Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Type of Anesthesia for Low Blood Pressure

I’m curious if anyone here has low blood pressure and has had an epidural or spinal anesthesia for a C-section. In 2021, I had a C-section under general anesthesia because of my low blood pressure, but the pain afterward was terrible. My throat was extremely itchy, and coughing to ease the itch made my wound hurt ...


Hospital bag

Has anyone started doing their hospital bag? This is my second and with my first I had an emergency c section at 32 weeks so had nothing packed I’m thinking do I start now? Is it too early!


Vests for hospital

Is everyone packing long or short sleeved vests? Or both?


1cm dilated

Has anyone gone from 1cm dialated to full labour within a matter of hours/next day? Heavily over due and desperate for this last sweep to work it's magic before I have to be induced 😔



I’ve had an examination today due to severe bladder pain and baby’s head is so low they’re on my bladder but my cervix is behind it and not dilated yet. She said I will need to be checked again tomorrow to see if any progress if not I can be induced due to the severity of the pain from my bladder. I’m really nervous...


Pre opp date?

Ive had my C-Section booked in for a couple months now. When should I expect to get my pre opp date?


Being induced today

So going to the hospital at 3:00 today to be induced I'm so nervous


Induction or elective section - what would you choose?

I’m only allowed to go 10 days overdue before I either have to be induced or have an elective section (due to baby’s large size). Really stuck on what to pick.. wanted a natural vaginal birth, but don’t want to spend days and days waiting for an induction to work, for it to possibly end in an emergency c-section any...


Big baby?

I had a growth scan yesterday and baby is measuring 5lb 14oz, I’m 34 weeks. She said baby is ‘well above average’ but still in the realm of ‘normal’. I have not been given any more growth scans. I have been reading about big babies and I’m wondering what the safest way to deliver my baby is? I have a midwife appoin...



Hi, my due date is this Friday (14/02). I have not had any signs or symptoms yet and I am worried. I am a first time mum. Is there any way to induce labour naturally ?


How does everyone find the new hospital ? Just had to go and worst experience of my life 🫠

Midland Metropolitan University Hospital


Shortness of breath

Anyone else experiencing this? This morning it feels like I’m having to make a conscious effort to get a full breath.. is it normal??



Had my boy by emergency c-section and he ended up in Nicu for a bit. All fine now but terrified to get pregnant again … even though i’d like too. Anyone feels the same or got some wisdom to share? X


Induction with second baby

Was anyone induced with their first and second baby? How was it the second time around? Interested in your story, I am scheduled for an for induction with my second baby and would love to hear! Any tips also greatly appreciated 💞


Hospital Visitors

How many people did you have/allow to visit you once the baby was born in the hospital? My husband and I decided to have people visit in the hospital rather than coming home and having visitors before we get settled with a routine. I have a split family and he has a small close one. So his aunts/uncles would be inv...


Breech Baby 36 weeks

Hey everyone, my baby is breech- still! and I was hoping that I wouldn’t ever have to undergo a c section. I am so terrified of c sections! I’m coming on here for a bit more support and to see if anyone else is going through the same thing? Is there still time to flip the baby? Do you think the baby will just flip o...


mucus plug?

I know not always blood stained so worth asking… my discharge has been almost watery for my entire life so definitely not normal discharge for me. Could this be part of my plug, albeit only one small part? I felt some pressure and went to the toilet, removed my pad and as i did, this came out onto my hand


a little discussion

I’m 38 weeks with my first and i’m ready for him to be here! i’ve been doing everything to get my body ready , what did you guys do to help you induce labor !!!


Packing your hospital bag

Don't forget to pack your baby's memory book. I did with my second and didn't get his little feet stamped into the book!


Labour signs or just me been paranoid🥲🥹

I have been having braxton hicks since I was in my 25 weeks and now that I’m 34+ it’s just been very uncomfortable, they last hours, they are painful and it’s everyday, they go and come back. I can feel heavy pressure on my pelvis when I sit down or walk and I’ve been using the toilet more frequent and now I’m start...


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