Big baby?

I had a growth scan yesterday and baby is measuring 5lb 14oz, I’m 34 weeks. She said baby is ‘well above average’ but still in the realm of ‘normal’. I have not been given any more growth scans. I have been reading about big babies and I’m wondering what the safest way to deliver my baby is? I have a midwife appointment on Sunday but I want to hear from use if you have experienced this before? Should I opt for a c section to limit the chances of an emergency section?
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I was measuring on the 50th percentile, now baby has grown to 90th percentile

I’ve always heard that bigger babies are ‘easier’ to birth if that helps lol Growth isn’t always linear though. Two weeks ago baby measured 5lb1 and today he’s 6lb 7oz and has jumped up centiles. But the scan prior to the 5lb one he was being treated as small and on the 7th centile. If you are worried you can ask your midwife to schedule a repeat growth scan in a few weeks time. Sometimes you have to push for things if you’re worried I’ve found x

I would take these measurements with a pinch of salt. They get them wrong a lot. My SIL was induced because they said her baby was big, she ended up with a C-section and the baby was only 7lb. Have they offered you any more growth scans?

@Nicole I’ve heard this too but Google doesn’t help! I’ve been reading about shoulder dystosia and I just want a safe delivery for my baby. I have a midwife appointment soon so I will speak to her about it, the closer it’s getting the more nervous I’m becoming, I’ve been completely fine my whole pregnancy haha xxxx

@Ayesha nope they didn’t offer my any more scans, I may ask my midwife to book me in for another after I speak to her about it. My bump is measuring on the 50th percentile but on the scan baby was measuring on the 90th xx

At 32 weeks my baby was measuring 4lb8oz. I would remember that their measurements can be out by 15%

Mine was estimated at 5lb 2 at 33 weeks on a growth scan, which I think is a bit more than average... They can definitely be wrong though. Since they didn't seem concerned I'm just going to go with a natural birth unless the baby is breech or starts measuring absolutely huge

At 32 weeks I was told my baby was measuring at 5lb 14oz, they said he was measuring large they have booked me in for another growth scan 2 weeks after this to keep an eye, got retested for diabetes but still waiting for results xxx

I'm also having a big baby. Estimated 5lbs 1oz at 32 weeks. I've been told by the consultant to try for a natural but I'm going to be induced at 39 weeks because of his size. Won't be surprised if it ends up in a c section. Have been tested twice for diabetes, negative both times

@Emma I’m definitely going to speak to my midwife about it on my next appointment as this will be my birthing appointment too. I don’t see why they haven’t booked me for another growth scan! Xxxx

Our baby was estimated 4lb 11oz at 32 weeks and nobody batted an eyelid 😅 however I do have two more growth scans due to previous high BP in pregnancy. One of which is tomorrow so I'll let you know the outcome. Our first child was estimated 10lb and he was born naturally (although induced due to high BP) at 7lb 14oz. As others have said take it with a pinch of salt as it can be inaccurate and if they are not worried, then you shouldn't be either 😊

If it gives any reassurance, my first baby was 8lb13oz and birthed safely vaginally. I’m nearly 37 weeks and this baby is on 97th centile and measured 7lbs at 36 weeks but I just take it all with a pinch of salt and fully plan to have another vaginal birth. I’d not necessarily say you need to opt for a planned section as someone else has said gravity can work in your favour with bigger babies! X

@Kirsty this is so reassuring, thank you! Yes you are right if they arnt worries then I shouldn’t be either, everything is just so new as this is my 1st xxx

I totally understand as I found it all very overwhelming the first time around! x

My baby is currently estimated at 8lbs 8oz at 35+6 so I'm also concerned. I've been referred to the consultant to see what the options are. Baby was 4lbs 15oz at 32 weeks 😳

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Had my second growth scan this morning at 35+5 and baby is estimated 7lb 6oz. Her tummy is measuring bigger so I have to go for a GD test on Friday to rule this out. My third growth scan is on the 3rd March and if she is still measuring on the bigger side, they would like to book an induction. Based on your question around a C-section, this is something my consultant mentioned today and said she is more than happy to book one but I said I'd prefer not to and she said she doesn't think it's necessary either but the option is there. I'm still not too concerned due to what I went through with my first child if I'm honest and they might say everything is fine at my next appointment! x

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