Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
I think my waters have gone. I keep just leekng and I've been to the bathroom to to pee and I'm still leeking. Is that my waters? I'm 39+4 today and I had a sweep a week ago and have been 2cms since then and I've lost my mucus plug also since then
I think I’m in labour I’m having regular tightenings and it’s painful enough that I’m using my TENS machine. I went in to be checked 7-8hrs ago as I thought my waters were leaking and they were, also got my bloody show. We got home at 2am and I’ve tried to sleep inbetween but haven’t managed to, also it seems to me ...
Did you drive 2weeks after a CS?
So I'm going in for a planned c-section in 6 days and would really appreciate some positive experiences to help ease my mind a bit. This is my second baby, and with my first my labour process was extremely long and traumatic, in the end I ended up having to get a emergency c-section anyway. Does the spinal block hur...
When is everyone packing their hospital bags 🙈
How did you all recieve your CS date? Was it through the post, email or a different way and also how many weeks were you before you was informed of your date?
I think iv overdone it, being second time and having a 19 month old. I think because iv been feeling so well, iv lifted too much/ done too much Now on one side my wound is hurting again like it does in the first week only when I move. Has anyone else had this
Does anyone know if you HAVE to stay 2 nights after giving birth? If all is well with me and baby can I go home after the first night? My son will be 23 months and I’m nervous to leave him, I’ve never been away from him more than a few hours :/
I’m 36+1 and have been extremely tired lately, having braxton hicks contractions more frequently these past few days compared to last week, and although I used to be constipated I have now had no issue going #2. My water hasn’t broke and i’ve actually had minimal discharge, but it seems all the other signs are of ea...
Has anyone had super intense false labor?! I've been having contractions every 5-10 minutes that last about 1 minute long for about 4 hours. (I'm using the 3-1-1 rule so not going to hospital until contractions are 3 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, for at least 1 hour). But I've read that falls labor can also be i...
I am 19yrs old and 27 weeks pregnant. I am extremely into everything holistic and I would really love to have a home birth/water birth for my delivery. I am low-risk and healthy however due to certain family members negative opinions on home births I feel nervous about doing it for my first pregnancy because I have ...
Hello! Can anyone recommend a midwife or midwife practice that delivers at Morristown hospital? TIA!
I've seen online lots of things about them but my SIL's all said they don't know what a birth plan is and basically you just go in and have to deal with it all in the moment?
The ones with 2 dots were very mild could just touch my belly and feel it getting soft and hard. The last one with 3 dots took my breath away and lasted much longer but I haven’t had on since and that was 10 minutes ago
All 9lbs of him lol, had an induction and made it to around 6cm before needing an epidural, luckily my epidural worked wonders and while I didn’t really feel pain I felt a ton of pressure and could intuitively still tell when and how I needed to push so I only pushed for 20 minutes and had no tearing ❤️ here’s my ch...
Please help. My GP was so dismissive and unhelpful that I’ve now applied to be registered at a different surgery. 8 weeks ago I had an emergency c section and appeared to heal well. About 4 weeks post c section, I started getting a burning sensation in the left side of my abdomen just above the wound site. The wou...
Hello! I’m looking at either St Mary or Queens Charlotte hospital due to both similar distance from home. Any1 been to either hospital for birth? Thank you!
Hey , I will be getting induced tomorrow but my last cervical exam I was 2cm & apparently she could feel his head .. so does that mean tomorrow if they check and I’m still 2cm or progressed will they just break my waters ? & also can birthing partners stay over night x
Hi all, I am seeing my consultant next week (36weeks) at southmead for a scan and to discuss c-section. which is due to happen at 39weeks. Will I be given the date of the c-section at this appointment or will I have to wait longer? Thank you
Is anyone requesting an elective section ? I am very anxious and I think I want to request a section I am so nervous to ask midwife thou