Hospital bag

When is everyone packing their hospital bags 🙈
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Aiming to start around week 30. I was so laid back last time and was admitted to hospital at 35 weeks and had to stay in until my son was delivered at 36 weeks exactly and my husband ending up packing my bag. I asked for comfy bottoms and he packed my jeans that hadn’t fitted since at least the second trimester 🙃 He tried his hardest but it definitely made the whole thing more stressful not having the things I actually wanted/needed. Also just not picking my son’s first little outfits myself felt really sad. So yeah aiming to be a lot more organised this time around and it’s one less thing to think about in the last couple of weeks! X

Thankyou lovely xx

Probably 33-35 weeks 🙂 if my GD gets any worse or I start to show more signs of pre eclampsia I will pack sooner! x

I have packed mine and due in under 13 weeks, just got to add some labour clothes bits which I'm getting in a couple weeks but yeah all packed mine and babies I'm really prepared this time, plus I'm high risk pregnancy so want it ready and their if I need it xxx

I’m going to start packing it sometime over the next few weeks, I’m 27 weeks today x

Thankyou everyone , I’m going to pack mine in the next few weeks 🩷

I’m 28 weeks tomorrow I’m starting at 32 weeks I had my 19 month old at 36 weeks x

Had forgotten I needed to do it 🤣 maybe 36 weeks though

I was told by the hospital to have mine done by 32 weeks. I'm 27 weeks now.

I’ve started gathering bits already. 29 weeks tomorrow but I’m one of those annoying organised people 🤣

@Kerry I'm the same! I'm fully done buying all Baby stuff, hopsital bags packed and started setting up baby stuff and starting baby's nursery next week I'm just so organised it's who I am ! And wasn't able to be with my last 2 so have been this time ! I'm almost 27 weeks but high risk and could end up giving birth between 37-39 weeks xxx

I am 29 weeks and will start next week with the aim to have a fully packed bag by 32 weeks just in case 🤍

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