Are you getting induced because there is a risk or are you wanting to wait to see if you go into labour spontaneously in the next day or 2
@Charlie induction is only offered if there is a risk. If she decided to get an induction tomorrow, you get a date. She can still change her mind but like I said induction is only offered if there is a risk like Reduced movements, preeclampsia or gestational diabetes where with those it’s not recommended to wait until spontaneous labor
It was offered to me and I did not have any risks other than id reached my due date. I know that it will also be arranged for people who conceived via IVF so they don't go past their due date, even when mum and baby are healthy in pregnancy and at the end. So there can be times where it would be safe to decline/delay
@Charlie risk x
I got mine broken like a few hours after being 2cm at 7:15 and didn’t even feel it🙌🏻 6 hours later I gave birth x
I had my waters broken at 2cm at 6pm my little girl arrived by midnight! My partner stayed with me the whole time too!
But is it true induction is always very painful than normal delivery
I was 1cm dilated with head quite low, when I went in to be induced. Still went ahead with the pessary induction and after that waters broke naturally and things progresses quite fast. Hope everything goes well!
I was 1 cm when I got my waters broken and 2 when I got induced on the hormonal drip. I’m a FTM so I don’t know the difference between normal contractions and induced contractions but towards the end my body was having 7 contractions in 10 minutes as my body was also doing some of the work as well as the hormonal drip that they have you on
@Zainab oh 100% i nearly ended up having a c section while being 8cm because I couldn’t handle the contractions the medicine created n they were getting stronger and stronger x
@Gosia but you later delivered through Virgina birth?
@Zainab yes I opted for an epidural at 10cm before pushing and couldn’t feel my contractions at all x
I was 2cm and I got offered the balloon first to get me to 3/4cm before breaking waters however I got told they can break them at 2cm but it might be more painful. After your waters are broken they should take you to a labour room and your partner is able to stay until baby is born :) x