When will labor come ?

I’m 36+1 and have been extremely tired lately, having braxton hicks contractions more frequently these past few days compared to last week, and although I used to be constipated I have now had no issue going #2. My water hasn’t broke and i’ve actually had minimal discharge, but it seems all the other signs are of early labor. At my appt today I was informed on ways to start naturally inducing such as primrose oil and red raspberry leaf tea which I will start this week, but does anyone know if these signs are actually tied to labor starting soon ? If so how soon could I expect to go into labor ? Also my mom’s history is giving birthing between 36-40wks.
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With my first baby, she came on her due date. I had the lightning crotch, Braxton hicks & the whole nine yards weeks before she came. I tried every safe method possible to try to go into labor once I hit 38 weeks. I’ve come to the conclusion with this pregnancy that he will come when he’s ready, even though I’m so over it 😵‍💫 I know the last 4 weeks are so so hard, but you got this mama

Are you dilated at all yet? You can be dilated to some extent for weeks, but could be a useful measure if it changes very quickly. Tomorrow. Or on the due date. Or a week late. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Red raspberry leaf tea has never been proven to help induce labor, I doubt primrose oil does either. Here's a podcast that goes over the somewhat limited research available. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/ebb-139-red-raspberry-leaf-tea/

Look up miles circuit

@Audrey I am being seen at a birthing center so I am assuming they don’t check If i’m dilated unless I pass 40 weeks to aim for a natural process in birth, the tea and primrose is just something they use since they are on the more holistic side.

@Ariana thank you this helps a lot this is my first and I hate not being able to predict or expect anything.

Your body definitely preparing so hopefully soon. I personally at 36 weeks start drinking raspberry leaf trees daily, eat dates and pineapple daily, curb walk and and 20 mins of walking daily. But my first I did all that and one night I did the miles circuit and went into labor soon after. (39weeks) My second I did all that and he came at 37 weeks.

Yeah that’s personally what I believe as well. All the “tricks” to help go into labor aren’t real. Baby will come when they want and nothing makes them come any sooner. But yeah every woman’s body is so different so to me non of those things sound like you will go into labor soon. They just sound like normal pregnancy stuff. But yeah some woman are dilated to like a 3, having contractions, losing huge chunks of mucus plug, all sorts of stuff but will do that for weeks and nothing. Other woman they don’t show a single sign and then boom the baby comes the next day. So there just really isn’t any accurate predictors unfortunately. After you have this baby you will kind of be able to judge better for your next if you have one. But right now you just won’t know what your body is going to do till it does it.

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