My waters

I think my waters have gone. I keep just leekng and I've been to the bathroom to to pee and I'm still leeking. Is that my waters? I'm 39+4 today and I had a sweep a week ago and have been 2cms since then and I've lost my mucus plug also since then
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My mucus plug didn’t go until I was 5cm and walked into the hospital. My waters only went when I was examined and told I was 5cms

Damn, I lost mine over a few days after my sweep

Yes! This is what happened to me. And when I would try to bend over I would leak more😅

It sounds like it could be your waters. The best thing to do if you're not sure is to put on a fresh pad and lay down for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, stand up and go check if the pad is wet. If your waters have gone then the pad should be wet after you stand up

@Sofia I literally got back into bed and leaked more lol, how long after this happened to you did you have your baby?

I would suggest going in and get checked. The longer you wait the higher the chance of infection.

In the US, once your water breaks they want you to give birth within 24 hours. So I had to go in when mine broke. Mine was like that. I had to use a pad but quickly had to switch to diapers. When I peed, it was like warm water was falling out of my vagina.

@Zoė my water broke at 3am on a Monday morning and I unfortunately had a long hard labor and ended up having a c-section on Tuesday after 11pm. Call your hospital and let them know what's happening. They will most likely have you come in.

My first baby came 2hrs after my waters broke - every birth is different. Call your maternity unit and tell them as baby needs to come out I think within 72 (??) hours of water’s going due to infection

Hey thanks everyone! Called up my maternity unit and they told me to get some food and then come over over it's almost 5am. I'm not having any contractions yet tho x

@Zoė I didn’t feel any contractions when my water broke either. But gave birth within 24 hours almost exactly.

@Jessie omg I'm so nervous lol I'm hoping I have my wee one soon x

I think that was your water. That’s what happened to me. I felt like my underwear kept getting wet after changing them. Are you having any contractions?

Yea it felt like I peed myself, and yes but they mild and not consistent

They broke my waters in hospital and everytime I laughed more came out in smaller gushes. At one point I was hysterically laughing standing on towels because I just couldn’t stop laughing or leaking water 🤣 Also: My midwife suggested I hand expressing colostrum as it can push things a long a little quicker. I already have precipitous labours but it definitely helped me

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Good luck! The midwife told me you can’t be dilated unless you’re having contractions? How confusing!

My waters went with my first and I didn't start contracting right away, he came within 24hrs though and within 4hrs of contractions actually starting x

I would NOT wait to go in. This happened to me, and they gave me medicine to start my contractions right away. It can cause infection. It's dangerous for both you and the baby. At the very least, go in and get it checked. They can test the fluid to see if it's your amniotic fluid.

Oh I'm sorry I just read the rest of the comments and your response and saw you went in. Lol, I got worried before I read the comments. Good luck girl. 🩷

Thanks girls, waiting to be seen now at my hospital! Thank you all for the advice xx

My waters broke at 630am on my due date and had the baby next day at 1429pm. I stayed at home until 1am as my contractions didn't start until 10pm

Definitely waters. Happened to me with my first. 7:30am, no pain from contractions until 18:30, he was born at 20:40. Good Luck!

Have you been seen yet congratulations girl xx

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