Does Australia do birth plans?

I've seen online lots of things about them but my SIL's all said they don't know what a birth plan is and basically you just go in and have to deal with it all in the moment?
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Well not sure what exactly what your sil mean. But I have given birth before in NSW, they asked me an opinion in my last trimester to do a birth plan. How much detailed you can get in it is upto you.

I’ve discussed my plan with all three of my babies? Did your SIL have a birth where things didn’t quite go to her plan? Because obviously in an ideal perfect world the “plan” would be followed. However some circumstances require additional interventions and assistance.

@Riti okay that sounds good I was initially under the impression that they don't ask anything.

@Sharnee I don't think so, I'm wondering if they generally didn't have many preferences or of they didn't go into that much detail and didn't realize they can write pretty much everything on it. Idk I was in too much shock to ask questions

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