I'm 39w today and will be booked for induction when I'm 41w just in case. I don't have the same situation in terms of 'big baby' (although I don't fully trust the growth scan measurements as they're often wrong). I'd personally go with induction due to the recovery process of having a C-section. Whenever I discussed it with my midwife, she says you choose the time of the pain - either during labour, and then it's easier recovery, or you have a C-section but you're in pain afterwards because of the wound.
Also in a similar dilemma - 40+4 and hoping baby comes before my booked induction on Friday, but not sure if wiser to have a section in case it ends in an emergency c-section… My midwife said you can make the decision at any point and it’s potentially worth an exam to see how cervix is doing… Not much advice, but here for support as also feeling it
I have a big baby confirmed at 33 and 37 weeks by both NHS and private scans. 95% abdominal circumference projected to be 9lb at 38w, 10 lbs at 40w and 11lb at 42w. The thing I most wanted to avoid was a c-section due to the recovery time and ptsd from a previous abdominal surgery. However with this AC % and fetal weight it’s very likely I’d have a long labour and end up in an emergency c-section anyways so I’ve just booked an elective. Hope you make the right decision for yourself. Look at your specific facts, the size of babies in your and your husband’s families (ask your mom and MIL about their delivery experiences), and decide based on your intuition. 💗
PS. I cried a lot about having to go this route and abandon my natural unmediated calm delivery dreams but I know it’s the right thing to do.
My baby isn’t measuring big but I am Also stuck in this scenario. I really don’t want an induction due to increased chances of instrumental intervention and emergency c section, so I am swaying more towards and elective just so I am in control. I am very much of the option that baby will come when it’s ready, so I don’t really want to force my body via induction. Yet I know a c section is major surgery! Going to speak to my midwife today to discuss.
My baby was measuring big (as in, off the scale from 28 weeks 😅) and i chose induction (it was my 3rd induction, and I've never had to have a C Section off the back of an induction, luckily) this was 2 weeks go today and this was my longest labour, but I achieved a third vaginal birth to an 8lb 9oz little chunk which is my biggest by far (my last was 6lb 11oz) with no interventions, due to warm compresses and strategic breathing as I was terrified of having to have stitches again/a CSection. So, it can be done! I would also like to say I was absolutely terrified of birthing this baby due to his size and the complications that would likely arise, but we didn't have any of them! But only you can decide what is right for you, best of luck 😊
I had my second planned c section 4 days ago as I chose not to be induced and baby needed out as I had GD. The recovery is rough but I think it’s better to plan for a c section than go through the stress of induction to potentially have an emergency c section. The c section itself is very chilled out and organised and we received great care, I was discharged after 24 hours but they did offer I could stay longer if I wanted. At day 4 starting to feel and move a lot easier with less pain. Its very much a personal choice so do research on pros and cons of both, my first was a LGA baby and was 10lbs 9oz so I was very happy to not have to push him out, this one was 9lbs 2oz so on the bigger side as well 🤷🏻♀️
Personally I would try induction over a c-section. I did last time and did end up with an emcs (cat 2 so actually not a crazy rush) but not because of the induction itself and was due to meconium and I was 15 days overdue. I don’t regret trying an induction (and will again over having a c-section). It’s major surgery, the drugs made me shake and vomit and I hate needles and you have to have blood thinning needles for 10 days after. You can have a positive induction experience and I think it’s worth trying. ‘Big babies’ are quite often wrong too and end up much smaller. While rates go up for further intervention there is still a much higher chance you birth vaginally and there are benefits to this. You can also try and decide at any point to go down a different route.
My suggestion would be why not try sweeps and everything you can naturally and if you get to induction date, just try the pessary? It might be all you need (for some women it is). If that doesn’t work at all then you might go ok c-section or you might try the gels and waters breaking. Usually the risk factor increases with the oxytocin drip but you could say I’ll try everything but the drip and for lots of women that’s all they will need and bodies can take over. If they can break waters straight away or when they get to that stage, they typically give you 2 hours to contract before drip but just keep asking for longer. If they break naturally you would have up to 24 hours and so the 2 hours comes from more about the fact it’s been artificially broken but also they don’t want women taking up rooms for hours. So just push it out to 4-6 hours and maybe your body will start before needing the drip option. So many options and you can still be in control!
With my first I tried to labour naturally and it ended up in an emergency section and recover was so hard, my body was in bits and I generally felt horrendous for a long time after. I had an elective booked this time but I went into labour naturally and ended up with an emergency section on Saturday only classed as emergency because it was wasn’t on my planned date.. even though it was an emergency this time and my body did have contractions etc, it was like night and day. The recovery so far has been totally different! Was so chilled even during the section x
I don’t have the same decision in terms of a big baby, but i’m overdue and choosing induction x