
I’ve had an examination today due to severe bladder pain and baby’s head is so low they’re on my bladder but my cervix is behind it and not dilated yet. She said I will need to be checked again tomorrow to see if any progress if not I can be induced due to the severity of the pain from my bladder. I’m really nervous because I don’t understand how my cervix is behind and higher the baby’s head but baby is ready so low. Any positivy would be great so scared
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@Sharnee thank you so much for your message, it makes complete sense! I just wondered why the hell I was in so much pain with no signs of anything happening! I really didn’t want to be induced but I guess if the pain is bad how long can you wait! Xx

I understand, it’s stressful and medical lingo that’s not quite clear can be pretty confusing. I was induced with my first and choosing to be induced with this one at 38+6 (this is my 3rd). I’m so over the pain right now too. You’re welcome to message me any time but you can do this and once baby is in your arms everything else is secondary. The pain will be worth it, these last 9m will be worth it and you can feel proud knowing you did that!

Cervix is far back during pregnancy to keep baby in the womb. When you are in early labour your body releases hormones which makes the cervix move forward to where babies head is. When baby is engaged the pressure from their head on your cervix causes dilation. If your cervix is still far back, hopefully the pessary will work to signal to your body to start bringing it forward. Is this your first baby? Early labour can take a long time with first bub but once things get going it can happen quickly. Best thing you can do to help is get the oxytocin flowing, do some self care, positive affirmations, watch some comedy, have a bath, have sex - anything to make you feel good and happy, and keep mobile and upright when you can ie on a pregnancy ball (but rest when you can too).

My cervix was like this too, had 3 attempted sweeps that all failed because they couldn’t reach the cervix as head was too low. Ended up with a planned c section at 40+1 due to GD (I chose not be induced as had a previous c section) I think it means the body isn’t really ready for labour yet

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