There are some ways to induce naturally like going for walks, sex, certain foods/drinks, alot of it u van find about online. But they aren't a for sure thing, my sister tried all sorts with her first but he ended up coming 40+6. Whereas all I did was eat curry the night before my first was born and she was born at 39+5. Best thing u can do is to try to relax but keep relatively active, if you have a yoga ball that can help try baths but essentially try not to stress yourself too much
I'm now a few days over and tried literally everything so unfortunately I think it is just a case of they come when ready. Remember it is just an estimated due date, not an exact!
I'm the same as Elzie, I am 6 days over due and have done everything to naturally induce labour and nothing has yet worked! Babies will just come when they want to I think!
My due date was the 6th, I lost my mucus plug that day and every time I think there’s a sign it doesn’t go anywhere! Now 41 weeks tomorrow hoping it wont be too much longer, tried all the usual things like spicy foods, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, dates, long walks etc. I think you just have to come to terms with baby arriving when they’re ready, I didn’t really realise as a FTM baby could end up a week or more over!
Following as I feel the same. Due date is 12/02, but nothing seems different 😕 I know they come when they want and to stay patient but it's hard 😄 I've just booked reflexology foot massage for tomorrow 🤞