Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Hi all, I had a traumatic birth experience with my first born culminating in an emergency c-section. I didn't react very well to the anaesthetic and had a tricky recovery. I'm now pregnant with my second and hoping for a VBAC. I'd love to hear from people who have tried for a VBAC - what birth setting did you opt fo...
So my partner checked my cervix a few days ago n he said it felt like a hard cheerio n I think that means no dilation n stuff but he checked yesterday n couldn’t feel anything said everything was soft.. could that mean something? TIA
Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for nerves on the big day, haha. I have my section at 12 pm tomorrow, and it's my first baby / first big operation. So I'm feeling all the emotions, haha. Any tips will be a big help!
I've noticed over the last 4 days that my underwear is damp and has wet patches when I go to the loo (no colour) It's not soaked or anything but I don't know if I should be concerned. Spoke with Midwife and she said its probs just discharge and they would only be concerned if it's so wet that I need a pad. I'm 19...
Anyone been induced at qa hospital recently? What’s the experience/wait been like? How soon did you get called in?
sooo I’m almost 34 weeks and can anybody tell me what a cervix check feels like and when do those start? and how is everyone feeling about labor and delivery. Me personally I’m very excited and anxious to meet my son I feel ready. The only thing that has me nervous is water breaking and how that feels..
The Nursery is proving to take a long time to get sorted so far prep wise I have the next2me cot setup , 6 bottles to start, hospital bag , bottle warmer / steriliser and breast pump , foldable changing mat, car seat setup in the car foldable bath tub and a lot of swaddles and muslin cloths and a few sleep suits and...
I find it really difficult to breathe when laying on my back because of the pressure of bump I suppose. I’m worried that I’m going to find it difficult to breathe when having my section done. Did anyone else feel the same
Hi all, I'm having my first baby and I'm due in May 😊 I just wanted to ask any mums who have given birth recently if their partners were allowed to stay with you overnight, I have been seeing so many things online where they state that partners are not allowed to stay overnight, but then when I have checked on the…
I just took a shower and when I got out, a gush of water came out my vijay.. im 37 weeks today and now that I am walking around there is a little more coming out. I don’t have any other symptoms of labor though. What do y’all think?
Trump said Obama was born in Africa (not true, of course) and that was a problem for him. Musk was born in Africa but that's not an issue
Is it true that you can't eat or drink anything for 8 hours before a planned c section? I had an emergency last time under general anaesthetic so wasn't aware of this. How does everyone cope with this? I feel like I'm going to be a shakey mess even after 2 hours 🤣🙈
Sooo this may be a strange question but I can’t tell if I’m having contractions or not. I feel tightness and pain across my diaphragm. But it’s not severe, comes and goes since last night. I’m 36 wks and 5 days. It almost feels like I’ve been doing sit ups and every now and then I feel so out of breath. 😅 this is…
Hello everyone! Just need some advice. As moving towards to final 6 weeks of pregnancy, I have been thinking about my birth plan. I had decided to give birth in midwife unit at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, however after finding out they don’t have an operating birth pool at the moment and en-suit facilities etc. I...
If you are wanting another baby after having an emergency c section, when are you going to start trying?
I’m 36 weeks pregnant and for the past 2 weeks, my discharged increased, which I heard it’s normal, but today I think it’s a bit too much… I’m wondering if it’s the mucus plug.. does anyone know how that one should look like?
Hi all, Don’t know if anyone has experienced this but I’ve had yellow sticky stuff on and off since Wednesday last week, just got my results back from the G.P and there is no infection. I am currently 35 Weeks 5 days, should I be worried or is this normal 😟
I’m curious if anyone here has low blood pressure and has had an epidural or spinal anesthesia for a C-section. In 2021, I had a C-section under general anesthesia because of my low blood pressure, but the pain afterward was terrible. My throat was extremely itchy, and coughing to ease the itch made my wound hurt ...
Has anyone started doing their hospital bag? This is my second and with my first I had an emergency c section at 32 weeks so had nothing packed I’m thinking do I start now? Is it too early!
Is everyone packing long or short sleeved vests? Or both?