Labour signs or just me been paranoid🥲🥹

I have been having braxton hicks since I was in my 25 weeks and now that I’m 34+ it’s just been very uncomfortable, they last hours, they are painful and it’s everyday, they go and come back. I can feel heavy pressure on my pelvis when I sit down or walk and I’ve been using the toilet more frequent and now I’m starting to have a lot of loose bowl movement. My back hurts so badly every here and then, baby has been kicking more than often, he goes a good 30m-1hr moving, oh and a lot of discharges and period like cramps that goes and comes. I’m scared my water might break and I won’t know.. Any advice?
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Well from someone what went into labor and delivery not sure if their water broke because there was tons of discharge; when it did break there was no question. Mine broke almost like the movies and I continued to leak for hours. I needed depends for the ride to the hospital. Hope you feel better and safe delivery!

Im 36+5, I've got just about the same feel as you! I'd say pop a pad on and monitor. Discharge would have a smell and waters wouldn't plus consistency would usually be different

Relax and don't stress hun x

I’d call your maternity unit I had period like pains at 34+3 they got stronger at night they told me to go up becuase it sounded like a UTI I had my little girl 8 hours later

@Jessica I went to triage two weeks ago they did some test, they said my cervix was closed but I was still in crucial pain and they sent me home with a wrong antibiotic that could have harmed my baby. Everytime I raise a concern they say it’s normal and it’s fine🥹 hence why I feel like I wouldn’t know if labour is near or not. One time my urine will look clear as water and the next it’s a bit darker and I’m always drinking about 2L of water a day.

@Sanah I do have pant liners on everyday, my discharge doesn’t smell and at the end of the day or after a few hours it kinda turns yellowish or a bit green

Then I'd probably suggest getting through to triage or midwife and showing them the Panty liner. It sounds concerning xx

@Sanah Ok🥹thank you so much mama bear

No worries hun 🩷 your welcome

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