Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Those of you that use Kendamil, do you use the follow on milk now or still using the first infant milk?



I know this is so random to ask on this app but I got no responses in my other platform I use. So! What are some popular perfume you ladies like using? I personally like floral scents if I can describe that accurately. Light and floral and girly. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT CHEAP BODY SPRAYS FYI 😊 Today I even walked…


Sister isn't speaking with me anymore and I don't know why

I know as a 31-year-old woman I should understand that as we get older people have their own things going on and might not always communicate back. But my sister has not responded to any of my text messages or calls in the last 4 months. No Merry Christmas, no happy birthday... Nothing. Sister and I grew up in a h...



Hii, so my little lady is 11 weeks old now, her crying has gotten worse over the last 2 weeks its constant im lucky to get 10 minutes of smiles a day. I think it's wind as she appears in pain and when I massage alot comes out and seems more relieved but continues to cry... I've been to the doctors today and they hav...


Weird spots in breastmilk?

I just pumped milk and this was inside the pump only on one side?? I’ve never seen anything like it & can’t find anything online about it either… Has anyone else had this or know what it could be? Looks like chocolate powder or instant coffee grounds LOL 💀😅


Help! Unwell baby only sleeps on my chest but wakes up when I put him down

My 11 months old had a fever last night reading 39.7 at 5am. Since then he did not sleep all morning and was cranky. He didn't have his naps only 20mins nap while he was sleeping on me. Soon as I put him down he wakes up crying. I saw my GP today to check if he has any infections. She said his ears are slightly red ...



How many oz is your Little one drinking


So anxious to go to bed every night.

My LO is not good with night sleep and he always wakes up crying. Since he was born, I haven’t had proper sleep and it has been already 16months old. Lately, he sleeps even worse and I’m so anxious when he moves around in bed (watching him in the camera) or worrying when he will wake up. I’m emotionally and physica...


Help! Toddler started banging his head on things

Recently if I’m in the kitchen cooking or doing something where I can pick him up right away, he will bang his head back onto the cabinets or oven handle. I put my hand back to stop him and usually pick him up right away. I’m trying to stop him from doing it and not pick him up immediately so he doesn’t think he nee...


Combi fed baby hasn’t pooped

My daughter is 15 weeks old and has 90% breastmilk and 10% formula, she hasn’t pooped in nearly a week, should I be concerned? She’s also fussy and upset but that’s because she’s also teething so I can’t tell! Help! I am STRESSED


Increase supply

I currently produce just enough milk to feed my 5 month old and don’t get anything when pumping even if he’s missed a feed and had a bottle. Has anyone else been in this situation and been able to increase the amount they can pump?


Aptamil pepti

My baby has recently been prescribed aptamil pepti 1 and we have been struggling with his bottles during the night as we wake up on demand. So by the time the milk is cooled he is screaming for his bottle. Is there a way we can prep his bottles in advance to make the night times easier? Can we have boiled water in a...


Not napping

Anyone struggling with naps these days? 🥲



How are everyone getting there little ones to self soothe for naps? I'm worried that my one doesn't nap so easily. He needs to start off with contact and rocking almost every time.


Night wakings

My 10.5 month old, recently starting waking 2x per night, at roughly the same time each night (was previously sleeping through). And will scream until a breastfeed her back to sleep, but I worry I’m creating a habit. Any other mums gone/going through this and know if it’ll pass


What time are you putting your babies down for the night??

We are doing 8:30/9pm as she just gets too fussy staying up any later - what do you do??


Bipolar or Completely Sane?

I don’t know if I’m just mental(bipolar) or if I’m actually just tired/ready to be done with my boyfriend. I guess I should make a pros and cons list, but even then I’m sure I’ll just try to convince myself I need to leave him no matter what I may logically put together. Am I just scared and using each argument as a...


Feeling like I’m not doing a good job

I love my baby SO much, he’s 2 weeks old and the love of my life. I’m wondering if any other mummies feel overwhelmed with their newborn through. I’m having to pump as baby has tongue tie, and I still don’t feel confident in looking after him by myself. My parents have been amazing and spend a lot of time with us. A...


Teething or milk allergy

Desperately needing some advise. I took my daughter to the doctors beginning of feb because she had really lose poos and conjunctivitis, they did a poo sample which came back normal. It then stopped and settled down for a week or two and started up again 2 days ago so I took her back to the doctors and she’s been re...



Hi Has anyone been to tumble Fun time (the open session). Is it any good? Baby is 12 months


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