Articles & Expert Guides on Baby

Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Baby.

Newborn Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

Newborn Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
30 Educational (But Fun) Montessori Toys for Kids of All Ages

30 Educational (But Fun) Montessori Toys for Kids of All Ages

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Wake Windows by Age: Your Easy Guide

Wake Windows by Age: Your Easy Guide

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Can’t Keep Your Cool? Surviving Postpartum Rage Without Losing Your Mind

Can’t Keep Your Cool? Surviving Postpartum Rage Without Losing Your Mind

By Tassia O'Callaghan
7 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

7 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
12 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

12 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
11 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

11 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
10 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

10 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
9 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

9 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
8 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

8 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
5 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

5 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

By Tassia O'Callaghan
5 Nuna Products That Make Motherhood a Little Easier, So You Can Focus on the Joys

5 Nuna Products That Make Motherhood a Little Easier, So You Can Focus on the Joys

By Phoebe Corcoran
5 Ways to Actually Get Some Sleep as a New Mom

5 Ways to Actually Get Some Sleep as a New Mom

By Phoebe Corcoran
A Peanut Guide to Pacifiers

A Peanut Guide to Pacifiers

By Phoebe Corcoran
The Breast Pumps Loved by Modern Moms

The Breast Pumps Loved by Modern Moms

By Phoebe Corcoran
When Do Babies Learn Their Name?

When Do Babies Learn Their Name?

By Katie Mill
What’s an Epidural Headache & How Can I Treat It?

What’s an Epidural Headache & How Can I Treat It?

By Katie Mill
What Does It Mean If Baby Arches Their Back While Crying?

What Does It Mean If Baby Arches Their Back While Crying?

By Katie Mill
What is Purple Crying? And What Does It Stand For?

What is Purple Crying? And What Does It Stand For?

By Katie Mill
Breath-Holding Spell: What to Do When Baby Stops Breathing While Crying

Breath-Holding Spell: What to Do When Baby Stops Breathing While Crying

By Katie Mill

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Recent discussions

Slept through the night

Last night my baby slept from 11:45 until I woke her at 6:10 (when I woke up panicked that she hadn’t woken me up at any point). Shes EBF and 5 weeks + 4 days old. FTM here. Shes been poorly with a cold (we’ve both had it) since last Monday but appears to be much better the last couple of days. Whilst she was poo...


When did you move your little one into their own room?

My little boy still sleeps in our room with us, I always planned to keep him in with us till he turned one (I think that’s what the NHS recommended) but then we found out he has sleep apnea so i’ve been too worried to have him sleeping in another room, but we have another little one due in May so I’m thinking it mig...


Sleep training

Hey, has anyone bought the @sleepcheifuk sleep programme I found her on Instagram and just wondering if anyone would reccomend it at all? I’m at the end of it now and willing to try anything at this point 😆🤣 any tips.. he’s four months old


Does your child have a build-a-bear birthday bear?

What does it look like? I've heard they're not all the same


Teat sizes!

My little one is turning 13weeks on Monday and just wondered when’s a good time to progress to the next teat size! She’s happy during feeds and doesn’t get frustrated so mummy instinct is to leave it a bit longer! What did you mummas do?


Vaginal birth recovery

I had a natural vaginal birth four days ago and a second degree tear, and my recovery has been brutal. I was always told that vaginal delivery has a fast recovery, but I haven't been able to walk straight. Sitting is painful, standing up is painful. When I stand up, I feel a lot of pressure down there, everything hu...


Not crawling?

When does not crawling become a worry? My little one is 8 months and won’t even attempt to crawl. She can walk while holding our fingers and is constantly pulling herself up to stand on things so i know it’s not a strength problem. When we do tummy time she just rolls herself over and won’t entertain the thought of...


Driving with baby

Hello How do you find driving with your baby? Do they like it? Hate it? My LO is 15 weeks old and she used to hate the car seat .. I think she still does but because she can see more around her then she probably gets more entertained. My husband and I have been terrified of leaving her in the car seat so we ne...


Am I looking into this too much?

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4/5 months old bedtime

What time are your babies going to bed at 4, almost 5 months? We have tried an earlier bedtime but it just results in lots of wakings and an early morning so we aren't putting him down until 9:30/10 but found then he will sleep until 7/8am! I've read so many conflicting things saying they should be getting 12 hours ...