Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.
I’m a FTM so sorry if I’m being daft. Baby is 7 days old - atm we are responding to his cries so we are leaving him to sleep and settle in his cot until he tells us otherwise. This means when he wakes up crying we change him then feed him, logic being that he hates being changed so much that he needs feeding to be s...
Any tips on weaning off feeding to sleep for naps and bedtime? We are down to 2 naps now plus bedtime and I’ve been feeding to sleep from the beginning which I’ve loved. Wanting to stop so baby can be put down for naps when I’m not there as have some weddings coming up! Any advice welcome. Thanks
My husband calls me a “smother” bc I still check on my 2 and 3 year old before I got to bed.
I gave birth to a 9lb 6oz baby, and at 3.5 weeks, he weighed 10lb 10oz, so he’s feeding well. He’s mostly breastfed but also had expressed breast milk recently due to a breast injury. Now at pretty much four weeks old, both breasts are back in action, but he gets stressed at bedtime. It could be cluster feeding - I’...
What’s all your opinions on dream feeds pros and cons????
What is your sleep schedule for your 11 month old? I cannot seem to get sleep right, no matter what I do. My 11 month old is waking up before 7am every morning and going to bed gone 9am and then waking up during the night frequently/not settling. His wake windows seem to be 3 hours/3 hours 45 mins/4.5 hours
Really struggling with putting our 5mo old (EBF) to sleep and need some help! We’ve established a bedtime routine from 2mo and since January have been putting him in his next-to-me to fall asleep. Usually he’ll fall asleep within 30 mins with me sshing and stroking him. For the past week he has been crying hysteri...
My 16 month old is still struggling sleeping through the night. I have stopped night feedings and refrained from picking him up every time he cries so he could learn to self soothe but he sleeps for 4 hours in his crib and then wake up every hour for the rest of the night. Any tips to get him to sleep through the ni...
Is anyone going through the 4 month sleep regression also experiencing issues with feeding? My daughter is 4.5 months and has started refusing naps and also refusing to eat during the day time, which is leading to more nighttime wake ups. We tried feeding her in a dark quiet room, changing the nipple for a faster fl...
Has anyone one had success with the dreamland weighted sleep sack! I’m interested in trying it for my baby. He will be 2 months and loves to be swaddled but only the love to dream swaddle. He moves so much in his sleep to where he is only staying awake short periods of time
My six month old little boy has been so good sleeping through but has just started waking up early 3-4am…initially I assumed teething pain but this week it’s become clear he wants feeding. He’s just started weaning (3 weeks in) porridge, sweet potato mash etc and is doing great. But he gets so tired in the evenings...
Does anyone else’s baby just suddenly start wailing in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. My 6mo will just start crying very loudly in the middle of the night with no triggers or cause. At this point they’re very difficult to console Is this normal!
To help my LO settle in day time naps. She went 9 hours in a row without daytime sleep.
Are our babies sleeping all day? I don’t know if I should let them sleep all day lol they don’t play they only wake up to feed
My LO is 10 months and is still waking up in the night about 2 times and the only way to get her back too sleep is a bottle. Any advice 🙁
I’m getting so aggy. Little one is 5 Months. Recently won’t settle after waking for a feed around 1. Fights to go back to sleep. So far tonight taking an hour +. I’m done in. I’m tired. Hubby works long hours so he needs to sleep so I have to try get her back down. Knowing I’m up early to feed her again and then...
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