Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
Right, so I’ve been wondering about the guidance on this. It all says to get your baby to sleep from 7pm to 7am, this seems to be the ideal, but I can’t find anything online as to why exactly this is. Is it a scientific thing, or just to prepare them for nursery/school/parents going back to work, etc? I’m not a mor...
Hey mamas, my daughter is currently 3 months old and is wearing number 2’s in nappy sizes. It’s between Aldi ones & pampers that she wears, I put her on the Aldi during the night as she now sleeps longer but she keeps leaking through every morning. The pamper nappies are more bigger so I thought they wouldn’t be ide...
I wake my little one everyday between 6/630 despite the night we have had. I do this so nap times and bedtime remains the same everyday. My little girl sometimes is snoring and I feel so so bad but my anxiety around naps won’t let me just let her sleep for however long she wants as then her naps and bedtime would be...
Husband and I are sleeping in separate rooms to give each other a break to sleep through every other night whilst we take turns having the baby. It was his turn last night. I was having a nightmare that my baby died and I woke up in tears and rushed to his room. He was asleep holding a bottle of milk and the baby h...
Anyone else struggling to put their LO down for bed at night? My LO takes HOURS to finally go to sleep. I do a bath at 7pm, feed her, etc for a bedtime routine. She falls asleep for 10 min in her crib, wakes up, and I try rocking/shushing/feeding/etc to put her back down. It’s a vicious cycle that lasts for hours....
I’ve never really thought about baby staying out overnight (with family). Someone mentioned it yesterday and implied my boy should be staying out occasionally as it’s ’good for him’ 🙄 He’s not the best sleeper so I personally wouldn’t have him stay out unless on an emergency basis. But when he’s older, sure,…
My 12 week old sleeps in his bassinet at night with no issues, but during the day we can't get him to nap in there. He falls asleep on me, we put him in the bassinet and maximum 10 minutes later he wakes up. Any advice to help him nap in the bassinet?
Does this need plugging in constantly to work or does it just need recharging when the battery gets low?
I never wanted to co sleep but since my son turned 5 months the sleep has been IMPOSSIBLE (some say teething but he’s now nearly 9 months and we still had multiple wakes a night) If we co sleep, he sleeps like a LOG. Anyone else in the same boat? And anyone else got stories where they co slept and then were abl...
There’s so many to choose from… We don’t necessarily need a ‘next to me’, as we don’t have space at either side of the bed for it. We are also looking for something that’s easily portable, so we can take it to the grandparents for them to use. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance 🥰
When do you put your baby to bed and leave them alone without being in the room with them? My daughter is 12 weeks and I can’t put her down to sleep at 9 without going to bed with her as I feel terrified of SIDS! So I end up going up with her and missing my evenings with my husband as I don’t want to learn her alone...
My daughter has been getting upset at bedtime this week and harder to resettle during the night but tonight its got so much worse. She woke around 1/1:30am and fed a little then got really upset just after 2am. I changed her, she's fed and I can't see anything to course this. I managed to finally settle her at 5am b...
My son is 20 months old since June 1st and has hit very little of his milestones. He can say only a few words (mama, dada, daddy, mom, yaya, eat) other than these words he won’t say much When I say his name he never reacts as fast and I usually have to repeat his name multiple times before he turns his head toward ...
April-May mummies what are using for sleep? Blanket, sleep sacks, or swaddles? I’m getting lots of opinions and I’m really not sure what will be best for the weather once baby is here. Any recommendations please.
My son drinks 7oz per feed during the day has his last bottle at 8-8.30 then is asleep a hour after the feed starts. But still managed to wake up in the night for a feed and completely drains the bottle. We’ve been up since 1am every hour. No crying but a lot of fussing and now I’m feeding him at 5am. ANYONE ELSE S...
I’m still feeding my LO at least 3 times in her wake window, Is this too often? Should I be reducing feeds? Baby is gaining weight well
Seen so many of these recently so feel lots of us are in the same boat. My LO has been on the same schedule for ages: Wake - 6.30 Nap - 9.30 til 10.30/10.45 Nap - 2.15/2.30 til 3.30 Bed - 7/7.15 But the last few weeks we’ve got some normal days mixed with early morning wake ups, fighting naps or taking longer to fal...
Girls what beds have you got for your 2.5 year olds
My baby is 1 week old today and I have been mainly breast feeding him but he just doesn’t sleep. If I manage to get him to settle in his Moses basket he wakes up 45 minutes later rooting and crying. The only time he’s slept longer than one hour is in my arms (I stay awake) or when my partner gives him some formula ,...
Safe to say my LO is keeping me on my toes this week!! Not only has he started crawling properly, but I've tried to put him down for a nap this afternoon and could hear him chattering away on the monitor. Left him for a bit to see if he'd fall asleep. 5-10 minutes later I just happened to check the camera and he'...