Babies don’t come with a manual, but Peanut is the next best thing! Explore real stories from real mamas and discover expert advice on all things baby care.
I just cleaned up a mess that the dog made he knocked over an entire bowl of water. We live in a log cabin with untreated wood floors so it has to be cleaned immediately or it seeps in. Walking down the stairs with a bottle of water my BD dropped the whole thing watched as it spilled on to the floor then said oh wel...
Baby girl is having dirty nappy once in 2-3 days and its explosion (poonami!) but seems very runny to me. Yellow/mustardy col but worried about the consistency. Formula fed!
My daughter is 15 weeks old and has 90% breastmilk and 10% formula, she hasn’t pooped in nearly a week, should I be concerned? She’s also fussy and upset but that’s because she’s also teething so I can’t tell! Help! I am STRESSED
Hi mamas! Curious as to how long your little babe went without pooping after consistently being on solids. I know it’s normal in the beginning, I just worry! I’ve been giving her foods high in fiber. This is the longest she’s gone in her life without pooping, it’s been 3 days. Any advice? Is this okay??
Hey guys! My baby has been having all different solids lately and is starting to cry when she goes poop, almost like it hurts coming out, only been like this for two days. Any recommendations what foods are good & high in fiber to help ?!
I’m on the fence about these-help me out
How do you feel about kids being unvaccinated? Have you met adults that are unvaccinated? Does anyone know where i can look at reliable unbiased facts about vaccines, and whether or not to get them? Im a first time mom and im having a hard time with it all
Hi mamas, what vaccines would yall consider safe for 1 year olds? I’m thinking of waiting on the MMR vaccine till my LO goes to preschool. Any recs/opionions would be greatly appreciated 💗💗
So my little one just turned 6 months a couple weeks ago and I’ve started giving him rice cereal - just a tablespoon a day. He hasn’t pooped in 3 days and today he did, but it looked hard. He was also straining and grunting a lot, but thankfully not crying in pain. I’m a little worried. How much water are we meant t...
Hi Has anyone been to tumble Fun time (the open session). Is it any good? Baby is 12 months
Where do they inject a baby at 12 week injection/ how many and what expect ?
I currently use the Angel Care bath seat to bathe my now 5 month old but he’s started to push himself off which isn’t safe and makes it a lot harder to bathe him. Old photo just incase people don’t know what I’m on about 🙈 What do you use to bath your LO?
Is this considered diarrhea? My baby is one month and 3 weeks. She is doing this since yesterday
Has anyone had an epidural that didn’t work? I was poked 3 times for my first epidural with my son, which did not work at all. They tried a second time and it also didn’t work. I plan on having more kids and I’m wondering what my chances are of this happening again. Has anyone who did have a failed epidural choo...
I’m losing my mind. My 2 1/2 yr old HATES baths. I’m talking thrashing screaming crying and the works. He refuses to sit and it takes two of us to bathe him. Any recommendations or tricks that yall have used for bath haters? Thank you all 💕
The past few days, my little girl's poos have gone looser in consistency, almost resembling korma curry. This has been going on for 5 days now with a loss of appetite too. She has most of her teeth alart from a few back molars and tgere is actually no scientific link between teething and bowel movements so i want t...
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