On Netflix they have headspace meditation. That helped me PP! But any short guided meditation could be a tool ♥️
Oh love! You’re not alone! I’m 3 months there are more days than I’d like to admit that I feel those exact feelings. I’m in constant worry and stress to the point I’m terrified of traumatizing my baby. I went to give her everything that I didn’t get growing up. Just breathe and know that you’re doing the best that you can for your baby! I saw a quote a while ago, saying something along the lines of ‘you and your baby some grace y’all are both still learning life with each other doesn’t matter if this is your first or third baby. That baby is new to living in a world that they have no idea how to live in, and you as the mom are still adapting and adjusting to meeting the needs of your baby and this new version of yourself.’ My DM‘s are always open if you need somebody to talk to. You are not alone mama! 🫶🏻💕
Thank you for the replies. I'm not even sure I should respond and say that my child is almost 4 years old. Can it be post partum depression? Surely not this long after. Maybe it's just a low day when anxiety is getting the better of me. I'm almost 40 and still haven't figured out how to manage my life so that this doesn't happen. Maybe that is an unreasonable thought, too. 🫣😟 I know in a few days something will have regulated, and I won't be feeling the same way. It's just when you're in it, and it feels kinda sad and absolute. Sorry ladies, I feel like it's good and bad to share my thoughts right now. Bad because I don't want to share my doom and good because I can get some advice. Anyways, thanks for listening/reading. X
There’s no “shaking it off” I. My opinion. Ya gotta face it and combat it with positive thoughts. My therapist stresses “gratitude over attitude “
I’m 9 weeks pp and dealing with the exact same. It’s so bad. I can’t relax and I’m constantly anxious 24/7, worrying about what’s going to happen next. And the worst feeling is thinking that it’s effecting your baby. It’s so hard. I’m right there with you.