Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Please let me know it's not just mine.... is anyone else's BF LO still on 8 feeds in 24hrs? And are any still having 2 or more night feeds?
My boy is 6 months old and he’s never slept a full night ever. Wake windows are every 2-3 hours and honestly my body is craving a full night sleep. I also have a toddler who wakes up between 5:30-6am so I feel so sleep deprived
How do you feel about kids being unvaccinated? Have you met adults that are unvaccinated? Does anyone know where i can look at reliable unbiased facts about vaccines, and whether or not to get them? Im a first time mom and im having a hard time with it all
Moo is 18 months and she’s been waking at 4am everyday for at least 6-7 weeks now, There was one occasion she slept in until 6am and that was in her travel cot, She’s not napping properly in her cot very well either. Now I’m thinking does she need the sides removing as she needs more space!?! The cotbed and mattre...
Hi all. Little boys sleep has been all over the show the last month. Use to be a 7-7 sleeper when he was younger and all of a sudden when hit 6 months was awful. He is 11 months now and for the last two weeks he is only taking one nap per day which lasts 2.5/3 hours. This means by 7pm he is exhausted but he will not...
I made the mistake of letting mine nap for 4.5hrs in total yesterday for us to be starting the day at 4:30am today. How long does your baby nap all day? How much night sleep do they get? When do they start the day?
So my little one just turned 6 months a couple weeks ago and I’ve started giving him rice cereal - just a tablespoon a day. He hasn’t pooped in 3 days and today he did, but it looked hard. He was also straining and grunting a lot, but thankfully not crying in pain. I’m a little worried. How much water are we meant t...
Is anyone else experiencing ‘false starts’ every time their LO goes to bed for the night? My baby is waking every 20 minutes or so and needing resettling every evening for a good few hours no matter what we try. Any tips on how to stop it? Or does anyone deal with similar? Will it end?! - wake window is on avera...
Anyone else's baby just started waking up around 5am again?? Been happening since the start of this week!
Would you let your 3 year old go on a motorbike with your BD? My SO has been taking our son on his motorbike. He straddles him between his thighs and has my son wear a bike helmet. I said I no and I wasn't okay with it but he does it anyway on days that I'm working. His motorbike goes up to 50mph but he says he only...
Is anyone just not sleeping throughout this whole pregnancy!? My sleep is getting worse and worse but I’m functioning with it working full time as it’s become the norm. I’m waking every hour, just wide awake. Then by 4am I can’t drop off to sleep anymore !? Please tell me when baby is here even though you wake up fo...
I really need a sleep sack that’s good like the dreamland… without paying $90+ 😓. pleeeease help a girl out my baby needs some weight it’s the only way he sleeps
My son stopped latching at about 16weeks so I have been exclusively pumping ever since. He is almost 8 months and my milk supply has significantly dropped. Mostly because I stopped overnight pumps and became very inconsistent. We had a rough time with sleep when he got his bottom teeth. He is mostly drinking formula...
I’m on the fence about these-help me out
It all looks so sketchy to me how she was obviously drunk and he friends didn’t look like it in the footage but left her behind w a man she just met. He also came back to the hotel without his shirt, shorts and sneakers…. I’m just wondering also if anyone saw him sleeping by the beach like he says… anyway the whole ...
My 10 week old has been in a bassinet in our room since day one. Lately though he has been kicking and flailing and restless when I put him down for the night that he’s rocking his bassinet. When is an appropriate time to transition him to his crib? His pediatrician said by 4 months but I’m not sure if it’s too soon...
No matter what I do, my baby will not sleep through the night! He’s formula fed. We’ve sleep trained, but has always needed 1-2 feeds throughout the night no matter how much we tried to sleep train him through that. We also have tried weaning him off which just makes him wake up more frequent to drink more. We’ve tr...
I’m scared to stop as I like to know when he last fed- he doesn’t give hunger feeds like he used to but I know he needs a feed if it’s been 3/4 hours yet sometimes after one!
How long does everyone’s 3 and a half month sleep at night without waking up at all? Mine is sleeping from 10:30pm all the way until 8am without waking up. No I’m not bragging but just wondering if this is the norm for other parents as well?
My baby only goes to sleep if she’s cuddling with me or dad. She used to sleep in her crib throughout the night fine with only waking 1 at night but now she only sleeps cuddling holding my breast. Has anyone experienced this once baby turned 8mo?