This is my biggest complaint with the Nanit. No real monitor. Thinking about switching to a regular monitor and keep the nanit for family who likes getting the crib updates.
I have a monitor from Amazon that’s less than $100. My baby sleeps on her bassinet which is in our room and is starting to shift a lot at night. I think I’ll be transitioning her to the crib at 4 months. Her crib is in my bedroom and even tho she’s a few steps away I still felt the need to purchase the Owlet sock. It really gives me peace of mind and I’m able to sleep better.
I had this problem last time with our Owlet. We just went to Walmart and bought a $25 sound monitor to use with the video monitor. The sound monitor would wake us up, and then I could check the video on my phone. As to when to move him, just do whatever you think is best for him. My son hated the bassinet, and so we transitioned at about 3 months because no one was getting much sleep, and overly sleepy parents aren't the best parents. This time, I'll probably wait a bit longer since our daughter could probably sleep on a rock and be just fine 😌.
I put my son in his own room until he was 1 year old. After that even at 2 years old I had the iPad on a charger all night on full volume and I would wake up and check on him to see if he was breathing. I felt like I had no sleep because I was worried. Now I have a 3 month old who I co-sleep with (safely) and my toddler sleeps in his own bed but in our rooms. It’s what works for you honestly this works for me and my family.