Yes we’ve sleep trained our daughter but we have kept night feeds. Sleep training and night weaning are two different things. I still feed her every 3 hours through the night. Most babies at this age still need feeding through the night but you might be able to reduce number of feeds. P.s I feel you with the sleep deprivation. I went to bed at 7.45 last night 🤣 but my husband gets up with the baby and toddler in the morning to give me an extra hour in bed.
We've sleep trained too and kept the night feeds (BF). The key was getting him to go to sleep by himself at bedtime. So I moved the last feed to 30 mins before bedtime to avoid falling asleep while feeding. He does on average two feeds a night now. Sometimes he has one big stint of sleep at the start of the night before a feed, but mostly he'll feed every 4/5 hours
I would have a look at the "Beyond Sleep Training Project " group on Facebook.. they can give you some helpful tricks and tips to see if this can be adjusted.. regardless this sounds very normal for a 6 month old as hard as it is x