Am I doing something wrong?

Hi all. Little boys sleep has been all over the show the last month. Use to be a 7-7 sleeper when he was younger and all of a sudden when hit 6 months was awful. He is 11 months now and for the last two weeks he is only taking one nap per day which lasts 2.5/3 hours. This means by 7pm he is exhausted but he will not sleep past 5.20am. He refuses and when we lift him into our bed he’s rubbing his eyes because he’s tired. But he won’t cosleep either. He has also just started walking. We have tried everything, medicine for his teeth, extra food before bed, turning heating on, later bedtime, cutting nap time shorter, giving him toys in his cot when he wakes, giving him water etc and absolutely nothing is working. I hear of babies sleeping 7-7 all the time and I’m just back to work and really tired. This has been going on over a month now-could it be the transition to one nap?
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I'd push the idea of 7-7 out of your mind as it might be an unrealistic goal. My son has never managed that and he's 2 😂 Sleep needs change all the time and it's a case of having to roll with it and adapt. The fact he's walking now and down to one nap already means he's been having some developmental leaps so hopefully his sleep will settle a bit again soon 🤞

If I could even get him to 6 I would be delighted 😂😂😂 yes he’s going through a lot I hope it settles soon lol

I’d say it’d probably the one nap, he’s a little young to be on just one nap. From what I’ve seen or heard from others, around 18months is typically when babies drop to one nap. The total sleep time of 2.5-3hr is great, but I think he’s getting so overtired by having one nap that it’s affecting his night sleep. My little boy is 12 months and he gets up at 7am, has an hour at 10am and an hour at 2-2:30pm, maybe you could try that? X

My daughter dropped to one nap really quickly. She's 2.4 and sleeps 8/7. She's never slept that well till recently. I know it's no help but try not to stress, my experience says you can't force a child to sleep the pattern you would like unfortunately, they have to do what's right for their bodies. Xx

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