I had to co sleep with both my babies when they were very little! Other wise I was up every 15-20 minutes in a panic. There is ways to make it safe! Do what is best for you ❤️
Despite what our society tries to tell mothers, cosleeping is actually the most natural and best way to sleep with a baby. To ease your anxiety, I'd follow a few accounts on social media that will reassure you and give you greats tips. Like @infantsleepscientist or @happycosleeper
I’m the same way! I’d sit awake until my girls woke to put them in bed with me. I didn’t feel safe having them away from me as crazy as it seems lol
Despite having coslept with my first from about 4 months old and still going strong at 3+ years, i found it more anxiety inducing to cosleep with newborn. And i only cosleep in his massive cotbed if i really have to. That said, risks exist in all sleep situations , even sleeping alone in a moses basket has its own risks so i think if youre doing safe cosleeping with newborn and it means u sleep better then thats whats best for both of u
@Tessa it's not crazy at all, that's what nature intended. We are meant to sleep with them and them with us
We’ve coslept since night one (: Our pediatrician said their family bedshared as well https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/05/21/601289695/is-sleeping-with-your-baby-as-dangerous-as-doctors-say