Not into buying what I don’t need

What’s the best detergent I can use for baby and the rest of the house hold? Tide Oxy Gain Downy I’m not at the point to when I can make my own at home I just don’t have the storage space. And I also don’t want to be buying several different detergent/softener or dryer sheets. And we all have sensitive skin😅.
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I tried Tru earth because I got some samples and coupons through some of the free baby boxes. I really like it and I might stick with it when baby comes. It comes in little sheets that you rip up into the bottom of the clothes washer. Takes up very little room. And seem to have worked well for cleaning.

My baby has bad skin, eczema, never had an issue with tide original. We used tide free and gentle but they discontinued the powder 🙄 the tide original powder has been fine too. We don't do dryer sheets, we use wool balls. And clothes softener is really bad....I'd avoid that all together. ETA: There is tide free and gentle in liquid. I would try that. It's just not cloth diaper safe so I can't use it.

I am buying only one for the whole family. I am trying Truly Free right now and seeing how it works, and I will stick to it if I like it :) we use wool balls instead of drying sheets. My husband hates most smells. If we dont like this brand, we will try another one, but I hate having a bunch of different products. My husband and I and the baby will use the sabe body wash too!

We use tide free & gentle, the cold water one cause I wash my darks in cold water. I used my sister as a test dummy as she is severely allergic to all fragrance (it’s so bad for her breaks out in fully body hives and gets migraines walking into a room with a candle lit) so I knew if she could handle it, it would be great. I’ve been using it ever since. Costco has it on sale often too so you can get it for a good price.

We use Ecos or Truly free. All those other ones have way too many chemicals for me personally, even the “free and gentle” versions.

We use tide free and gentle for the whole family, it works for everyone's different skin types.

Ecos, Seventh Generation, Simple Truth

Dirty labs!! It’s super clean ingredient wise and it still has a lovely scent.

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