Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Mad/ frustrated bitter!! Gentle parenting

Looking for ideas & advice gentle parenting mamma & secure attachment, so please be kind ❤️ something that has worked for their toddler to get through the angry and frustrated moments! I’m a bit at a loss on this one my son is 2.5 years and every time I tell him no he bangs his head on the nearest wall and heads ov...


4 month sleep regression

Hello September moms! I am a mom from end of October. I know you have already gone through the 4 month regression, but I was wondering if you have any tips for getting through it and how long it lasted for you?! I am struggling hard over here so just wanted to look for any input snd find out how long you went throu...


Stressed out

At what age do kids stop breaking things? Just bought $80 curtains last month for my daughters new room and both my girls done ripped the rod out of the wall! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Own room unsettled

My 6 month old has been awake during the night for up to 3 hours at a time. The health visitor suggested putting her in her own room as it may be us that are now keeping her awake. She has been napping in her cot in her own room for quite a while so is familiar with the space. Last night was the first night, she wen...


breast feeding, when to start a stash

i’m 5 weeks pp & baby boy eats what seems like all the time. he’s gaining weight & is happy & healthy but will literally cluster feed all day long. he eats, sleeps with nipple in his mouth, eats again, the day goes on. I’m not complaining as I had a C section & it’s been great being in bed with him. My question is...


High in fiber foods

Hey guys! My baby has been having all different solids lately and is starting to cry when she goes poop, almost like it hurts coming out, only been like this for two days. Any recommendations what foods are good & high in fiber to help ?!



I know breastfeeding can initially delay periods but is it normal to have one period and then not another? Could it be possible my cycle just isn’t completely regular yet? Asking from someone who is 2 days late, due to be my second period pp and I am SCARED 😭😩 I also assume if I took a pregnancy test now, 4m pp, it…


Transfer unsuccessful

Let's be honest, transferring is hardly ever successful. But how are all you people getting your babies to sleep in their own sleep space. My baby just screams when I put him down and I have tried everything. I've been trying for the last few hours to get him in his crib and he just wants to sleep on me and I'm ex...


Bottles advices ! 🍼

Hi mama’s! new mommy here about bottles ! I’ve been breastfeeding my baby boy his first 6 months and start using preparation after. Since then i used the bottles that i received at my baby shower, and now that he is going to daycare im learning that there are different sizes of nippy! So I’ve been using 0 and 1 s...


Baby Blues

Tomorrow will be one week since we welcomed our first son into the world via induction. Admittedly i went into this pregnancy with no knowledge or understanding about babies and had to learn every thing. Every day since giving birth around 4pm I’m so emotional, overwhelmed that this tiny person now relies on me, mou...



Can anyone recommend a free app where you can check your babies mile stones? I know they’re not accurate but I would like some sort of guideline as to where he should be at what age?


Do you guys wake you baby up if they fell asleep on the ride when you arrive at your destination, or do you let them sleep for a while before going out with them?

Checking on them as they sleep, of course.


Storing breast milk

So im trying to keep a stash in the freezer but its hard living with in laws and the freezer is just always packed with food .. What could i use to put my milk in some help


What’s one baby product that you’re definitely purchasing?

Obviously not brought anything yet but will be interesting to know..


Early Intervention

Has anyone put their little one in early intervention for speech? My son is newly 2 and is delayed. We were just given a referral for him! What are some things I should expect or ask in the coming weeks when we get set up with a pathologist? 😊


Whinging and tantrums

Anyone else’s 18 month old whinging and having tantrums ALL day for no reason??! Where has my sweet happy baby gone? 😭


Transition to solids/constipation

Hi mamas! Curious as to how long your little babe went without pooping after consistently being on solids. I know it’s normal in the beginning, I just worry! I’ve been giving her foods high in fiber. This is the longest she’s gone in her life without pooping, it’s been 3 days. Any advice? Is this okay??


Did you wash your hair in the hospital after giving birth ?

If yes, did you take a towel for your hair or did you just let it air dry ?


Green poo

Really need help my little boy is screaming likes he’s in pain whenever feeding him and spits out his milk now I have mastitis and I’m on antibiotics for it but he having my milk but via bottle I have tryed winding him and he burps abit and then go to feed him again and he screams he screams when I’m burping him to ...



Those of you that use Kendamil, do you use the follow on milk now or still using the first infant milk?


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