
I know breastfeeding can initially delay periods but is it normal to have one period and then not another? Could it be possible my cycle just isn’t completely regular yet? Asking from someone who is 2 days late, due to be my second period pp and I am SCARED 😭😩 I also assume if I took a pregnancy test now, 4m pp, it would be negative even despite breastfeeding? As in, no lingering pregnancy hormones anymore? I’m gonna have to put my mind at rest and take one but I darent 🥲
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I had a ‘show’ of a period last month and would’ve been due 3 days ago but nothing has happened. Also EBF

I also had what I was sure was my first period pp in Jan & I’ve had nothing since 😳

I havent had a period at all yet but yes a test would be negative from the previous pregnancy now, I’ve done 2 just to check🤣😅 x

Phew! You’ve all made me feel so much better! 😅😅😅

Yeah last time around I had one at 10 weeks then not again until 18 months

Thank goodness 😅

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