Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Hi all! So please no judgement here but I chose not to breast feed and have been formula feeding for now 3 months. I don’t know why but I suddenly feel the urge to want to breast feed (as well as formula ) . I think at the start I was so overwhelmed I didn’t want my baby to be fully reliant on me for milk as I was...
Is anyone else feeling completely useless with colostrum harvesting? I started yesterday and between then and now, I've only managed to collect 0.05ml! My husband is trying to reassure me that I'll get better results as I get more confident with hand expression, but I'm feeling pretty useless and rubbish about it at...
Let’s say night sleep is from 7pm to 7am. How many times does 12w baby breastfed baby need to eat in between? My baby still need to be breastfed every 2-3 hours.
My nearly 7 week old baby has now gone 5 hours without her milk. She has woken up twice and i have offered it to her twice but instead shes just screamed until shes gone back to sleep. Any advice im a bit worried😩
Called the hospital and no one wants to answer me and my own doctors are neglecting to call me back. Someone please I’ve been calling since 6pm and i just got off work. My 5 month old has to eat. Can I breast feed my kid ? Even if I drank Pepsi bismol ? The internet keeps telling me no.
Are you still breastfeeding like me? I am under pressure from family to stop breastfeeding, but my daughter is more attached than ever and I don't feel like stopping now, especially if it's going to be a traumatic stop. People say that the older toddler become, the more difficult to stop breastfeeding will be. But I...
Hi ladies can anyone help me with what would be the best wearable pump please? Anything apart from momcozy or elvie please . Thank you
Please help! FTM to a 6 day old. Trying to exclusively breastfed and she seems to be feeding really well - she actually put on weight at her first weigh-in. Midwife seemed happy with her latch. But my god... my nipples are cracked, bleeding and so so sore to the point where I just burst into tears when she last want...
It’s 3:30 am and I’m definitely crying typing this but my baby boy finally latched again 🥹 he usually gets a bottle because he had a tongue tie and he would get so pissed off plus it was pretty painful for me but he got it fixed at 4weeks and we tried but he was still just so pissed and I honestly just accepted my…
My LG was 5lb 12.5oz born and is well passed her birthweight (6lb 11oz) (she is getting weighed tomorrow) so I question health visitor if she can sleep through and let us know when she’s hungry health visitor said no as she’s so little born do they say this with everyone’s baby who was so little? She’s 4weeks a mont...
My baby is 12months 3 weeks. EBF and I’m in the process of weaning him off night breastfeeding so I can get good rest at night. I’m a single parent working full time. I want to replace his breastfeeding with a bottle whenever he wakes up at night. Want to try if he will take milk in a bottle Does anyone have r...
Omggg I can’t believe I didn’t know about these sooner ! These have been a life saver , no more nursing pads and wet shirts . In 48 hrs I’ve collected 2oz in let down milk . I empty them into a bottle every time I feed my LO so the milk doesn’t go bad sitting in the cups which is every 2hrs sometimes less . Its mind...
Hey mamas I have a 7 nearly 8 month old baby and since 3 months she refused formula I switched formulas tried different teats and she just wasn’t having it just only took breast milk straight from the tap too not even pumped (think it’s more a plastic hate rather than milk) so she eats solids and is doing great she ...
Help! I exclusively breastfeed and need to pump some milk for a couple of bottles so I can leave the baby with my partner. Every time I’ve tried, my little one is so grouchy and unsettled for the rest of the day. It’s as if the milk I express results in him not getting enough in subsequent feeds. I don’t want to ...
If your baby has/had a milk/dairy allergy, did it go away when they got older?
Been super stressed and seen a drop of milk supply, I don’t think it’s filling my baby, what can I do to boost it up again besides power pumping?
Hey guys so I'm 4weeks pp and I'm breastfeeding and bottle feeding, my breast milk I pump has slowed down a lot, I've tried different pumps I have another one coming in the mail soon, and it hurts when my baby latches on to the point I want to stop completely and just formula feed him. This is my first time breastf...
My baby can never wait 2/3 hours to eat. She will literally have a big ass fit. I done walked her around, put on a movie, tried giving her, her pacifier. She don’t want nothing but that bottle. What can I do? I also give her 4oz.
I’m just wondering what size teat mums who breastfeed and bottle feed use. It seems to be recommended to use the tiny newborn ones but I know my flow is faster than that and she seems to be getting frustrated with how hard it is to get milk from the bottle… she will happily try so that’s not the problem!
little one doing better with eating solids, is trying and eating more, naturally she is dropping milk amounts (she is bottle fed and has mainly breastmilk and a little formula) because of this but she won't really drink much water and we haven't got onto trying cows milk properly, any thoughts or similar experiences?