Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Anyone else’s nipples super sore now their little ones have little teeth? My little girl had one tooth cone through last week and the other yesterday, the rubbing against them while she’s feeding is so uncomfortable 😣
Nobody talks much about how hard it is to deal with the sleepless nights, baby blues, dad having to go to work and spending all day with a baby… Unfortunately, my baby won’t latch onto my breast (17 days old) so I need to express my milk ( as I want to give breast milk) prepare bottles, feed, change nappies, and a...
Just wanted to say well done to all the breast feeding mummas out there! I thought nothing could be harder than my pregnancy....then along came breastfeeding🤣 tomorrow marks 12 weeks of breast feeding for me and I'm so proud of myself for not giving up! Well done to everyone out there struggling and still going…
We are every 3 hours and for like 4 minutes
😒 so I was telling my Manger about the outlet being lose n plus want to fall out (here's a Pic of my wall plug trying to fall out ) and was told they are gunna take that room and make it a closet 😒 wtf ? I'm planing on pumping till I don't produce any more (max a year if it doesn't stop on its own) and I'm annoyed…
I had a very difficult time transitioning to solids with my first as he would wait for the boob. He didn’t care for food at all. It wasn’t until I stopped nursing completely that he started to eat proper meals.
My midwife suggested I give my baby infacol before every feed as she’s windy (breastfed). I’m just wondering if anyone has used it and it’s made a difference? Thanks
Trying to prep for baby starting nursery. How tf do I get this baby to take a bottle ahaa I have a bib one, which is the dummies he takes and a mam one and he just won’t drink my milk. He drinks really well with his water in the tumtum bottles. Do i just use this? Also wanting to transition to formula for nursery as...
My daughter is still waking once in the night for milk. She eats well in the day and has a bottle of milk before bed. Last weekend I tried just not giving her a bottle, and she cried in a wingey sort of way for around 45 minutes, and eventually gave up and went back to sleep - but that was around 1am. Since then s...
Baby slept for 6 hours straight last night and now my right breast is rock solid still after feeding. Wasn’t painful but is starting to become uncomfortable. How do I relieve quickly? I’ve tried massage and Hakka.
Hi all, I’m a little desperate now. My baby boy was born on Monday morning (24th). He was feeding ok on the Monday and throughout the night but yesterday he barely feeds and struggle to latch. I’m not sure if it’s because my breast got bigger but all of this morning he has hardly fed. Last night I gave up and gave ...
My little girl has been having 2 bottles of milk a day, one in the morning & one before bed but for the past 4 days has been refusing both bottles, and is showing no interest in milk. Is this normal or should I be concerned? Google says they should be having milk until they’re two but she just won’t take it!
Has anyone had trouble with their baby biting down at the beginning of breastfeeding as he latches on once they got teeth? My 7 month old has his two bottom teeth and every time I breastfeed when he’s latching, he always kinda bites and then starts breastfeeding. Does anyone know how to get them not to do that, or h...
Hi, I’m not 100% sure I do want to harvest a lot before baby is born but have been looking into it. I’m currently 21 weeks and have been leaking out of one nipple (not much) last week and this week. When I try and hand express nothing comes out though - am I just too early and should wait a bit longer? Not sure when...
Does anyone else feel like BF around the 4/5 month mark is getting harder?! He’s too heavy to hold whilst feeding, he gets so distracted and is impossible to feed in public, he’s got too much control of his own body he refuses to lie in the right position but at the same time isn’t strong enough to do it himself. Fe...
Hey gal pals, I’ve got some very sensitive boobs. They’re elastic and flat. I get dermatitis at the drop of a hat. Cracked bleeding nipples - got those almost permanently. I’ve been trying an Elvie and a Medela (Stride and manual) and it’s painful and feels like my nipples are going to get sucked right off. Even o...
Hi Moms, I recently delivered my bub via c-section and have been prescribed dihydrocodeine several times a day for pain relief. I have read a few NHS articles that codeine should be avoided at breastfeeding. I checked with the midwife and she said it should be fine but I am a bit concerned. I feel every time I feed ...
Hello! Can I have a one alcoholic drink and still breastfeed? I’m not really a drinker but would like one with a meal out.
Hey guys! Did any of you elusively breast feed and then transition to bottle later on? If so id love to hear tips. I exclusively breast feed and love it but I want baby to take a bottle if need be. I know I haven’t really been motivated/ trying super hard to get him to take the bottle because I love the connecti...
first pump at work today around 11am, I usually get more at home on my Motif Luna but grateful I got this much after waiting so long after baby fed this morning. Has anyone had any luck with momcozy wearables? This one is so-so