Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Anyone have experience with this!? I have small fluid like blisters and have been thinking they are a service reaction to something so I have cut out all Supplements and foods that it could be but I was breast feeding today and it flared up again so bad and itchy and I found out some people can be allergic to a horm...
When my baby turns one in April I want to wean her off breastfeeding with the goal of her being completely off breast by end of May. She’s currently on 4 boob feeds a day. She’s also no longer taking a bottle of expressed milk. How do I start the weaning? And does anyone have any recommendations of cups I could try...
Hey everyone! Does anyone have any tips or advice how to stop your baby from biting your nipples when feeding?! It’s so painful!
Has anyone used a breast pump at 37 weeks to collect colostrum? Or are you just hand expressing? I have the mom cosy pumps so wondering weather I can use them now….
My little one will be starting nursery next month at 10 months old. She’s starting at 5 hours a day and is currently totally breastfed and not keen on bottles of expressed milk. I’m thinking for 5 hours she’ll be fine without milk if I feed before and after as she eats well. What are other people’s expierences?
My daughter is six months now and I’m thinking about weaning off a breast feeding and pumping altogether. What’s the right way to go about this?
Just out of interest, how long do your babies feed on breast? My girl is 7 weeks old, and Id say she on average drinks for 7 minutes, i rarely get anything over 10 mins and if so, it is not active drinking, just for comfort. I do have a fast flow and large volume of milk, though, she can't even keep up sometimes🙈…
How did you wean your toddler from breastfeeding? He's a very healthy and active 2.5 year old and eats normal food really well etc but is obsessed with the boob!! 😅 I would love for him to naturally decline and so many people say there little one doesn't want it anymore and I'm so jealous lol he's feeding mainly…
Omg. Has anyone experienced a crazy amount of weight gain from breastfeeding. I gained 12 lbs of fat in 6 months! How the hell do I get it off without dropping my milk supply?!
Any advice to help transition to the bottle? Whenever we put the bottle in her mouth she gets upset and cries, and of course doesn’t drink anything
35 weeks & considering my options on collecting colostrum! Is everyone manually doing it or using a pump? If so which pump?
My little guy will be 3 months on the 19th, I have been pumping and just recently was able to get him to latch to me (I have inverted nipples). With my first I was an under supplier and with this little one I’m a just enough supplier. We are doing 4oz bottles every 3 hours but 7am and 10 or 11pm we do 6oz formula an...
Is anyone else tired of breastfeeding already? My LO is 7 weeks old and I didn’t enjoy it from the start. The fact that it all lies on me to feed her, leaking through tops day and night, unable to wear my usual clothes to feel normal again, inability to just go out for a few hours and leave the baby with her dad… I’...
Has anyone solely expressed and relied only on the Elvie? I am a NICU mum so have been expressing my milk for babes for the last 8 weeks and giving in a bottle, I want to continue doing this but the hospital pump I have on loan will be going back soon so I am wondering if anyone has solely relied on the Elvie? I hav...
Is it safe/useful to take an electrolyte supplement while breastfeeding?
I have a friend’s hen do weekend coming up and have decided to at least go to the events on Saturday even though my BF baby won’t take a bottle. She has severe CMPA so can’t have formula and we’ve tried the prescription stuff but she definitely won’t take that. My husband is going to be nearby in case worst come to...
My baby has been EBF for 9 months I’ve tried many times but she won’t take a bottle. Recently she has started to take one but will only have 1-2 ounces at a time is there any way to increase the volume she has? If I offer the breast after she will drink more so assume she is still hungry.. Any advice would be appr...
Is anyone’s baby barely taking milk my girl goes on and off but last 2 days it’s a real struggle to get her to have her bottles she’s only had 2 oz this morning again and honestly it’s stressing me out
I had my baby in Oct 24 but figured this group will have had more long term experience of stuff !! I’ve been exclusively pumping for months (elvie stride) as BFing didn’t work for us. I’ve now got mastitis for the 4th time in a row. 4th lot of antibiotics in the space of 5 weeks. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to ju...
Boy is 6.5 months old ebf and recently started weaning. He is interested in absolutely everything else except breast feeding . I try sitting in a dark room and no noise or distractions and he is still refusing it and I don’t want to force it as he then screams if it goes on too long. He’s not getting enough food to ...