Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Anyone on birth control? If so, which one do you have, how long have you been on it, and what are some side effects you have ? I’ve been in the IUD since Jan 6. I’ve been bleeding since Jan 18th. Heavy for one week and now not really heavy but the long bleeding is really annoying. I’m already very petite and I’ve lo...
Hello, looking for some advice. Me and my partner had sex last night for the first time since having my daughter (8m pp). We used protection, and it broke (couldn’t write it)🥲🥲 I now have to go get the morning after pill, but I’m being told it’s not affective? I’ve been off my period for a couple days, should I be…
Hi! Im 7 weeks postpartum and wanting to go on contraception. Im currently breastfeeding and I know some of them can affect your milk supply. I’m leaning more towards the mini pill but wondering if anyone has any advice on it or experience with taking it whilst breastfeeding ☺️ or recommendations for other birth co...
Finally stopped breastfeeding 🥳but also thinking about getting on some kind of birth control, wondering if anyone has any experience with Paragard(copper iud) .. looking for nonhormonal options and sugguestions.
Any moms here on the pill? I’ve been doing some research and know there’s 2 types of pills - the combo pill & mini pill. I’m leaning more towards the mini pill because of the hormones effect but want to hear some mom’s experiences on the pill. Some background info.. I’m on the Depo and making a switch (due to what I...
I'm currently 19 days in and my period is nowhere to be seen and all the tests have come back negative. So confused on what's going on. Yes I've had unprotected sex a few times this month and around my peak days but nothing seems to be happening 🙃
This is my 4th implant. But first one since having baby. I got it inserted 6 month PP in Dec. Had a period in Jan but now 17 days late (day 48 of cycle). I know it can stop periods so maybe that's why. But with all my previous implants I'd still have periods as normal. Paranoia is kicking in.
Has anyone been on the pill and it not worked? I’m on the pill and just found out I’m pregnant 🫠
Has anyone had the mirena coil? I used to take the combined pill but due to suffering from migraines with aura I’m no longer able to have this. I’ve tried the progesterone only pill before and it made me bleed every day, so the mirena seems to be the next on my list to try! Has anyone had any good / bad experience...
Hi I've just been put on sertaline for anxiety Can anyone let me know if they are also on this and how did you feel when first taking them?
I’ve heard mixed reviews and only three of my friends have had it, which was years ago so don’t remember much. This could be them down playing it or that it really wasn’t that bad. I just wondered anyone else’s experience as I’m vvvvv nervous… despite having two babies, Botox, tattoos etc. The thought makes me w i ...
Hey guys! Curious on what types of birth control has worked out for you guys with breastfeeding. I have never really consistently used birth control because I’ve always been with long term partners and we’ve just tried to use condoms. However, I am 21 and had my first about a month and two weeks ago and not looking ...
If i take my contraceptive pill at 9:30pm every day on the dot and to day i took it at 9;43pm will i still be safe?? Or would i have to take a plan B? This is the one im prescribed
Been on it for a few years now, I keep forgetting to take it on days and it’s really messing with me! The brain zaps tho… I’m thinking about weaning off because I’m actually in a better place physically than I was when I started them and also because I keep forgetting them anyway and it’s making me feel horrible
Not a poll but in need of tips. Last night my partner said ‘serious question, what are you gonna do when we go on holiday’ … I wasn’t quite sure what he meant then he said ‘how will you handle your chronic B.O in a hot climate/country? You have chronic B.O’ He didn’t mean it in a horrible way and was giggling as...
does anyone have any good experiences with the implant? Im needing contraception but wanting to conceive in like a year or two so didn’t want the depot. I accidentally got pregnant on the pill. Im not sure of the coil because I’ve got trauma I don’t want someone to go and insert something there. I’ve booked for the ...
Since I got pregnant I started getting really bad, painful acne. I usually keep a tube of differin around to treat it and it clears up no problem, but do you know if it’s safe to use while pregnant? Are any of you using it for acne treatment?
If you do this I will always think of you a piece of shit and a bad parent. Abuse is abuse Lmao y'all are sheep and giving your child a cosmetic surgery isn't needed. Google is free research is free. Stay mad yes I had the time to call y'all BAD PARENTS!!!!
So my gyna just called me and told me i tested positive for herpes 1 and 2☹️. I have never had any active lesions or wounds both orally and on my genitals. She assured me its okay and its nothing worry about and I don’t need any medication unless i actively have it. She said that I could have had it for a long time...
I have a dekor diaper pail and it was super full so the front part was popped open. Went and dropped my oldest off at school to come back to literally every diaper torn into and strewn around the house. Shit is on a lot of stuff. Basically had to bag up all the stuff up and throw away a lot that can’t be disinfected...