Morning after pill

Hello, looking for some advice. Me and my partner had sex last night for the first time since having my daughter (8m pp). We used protection, and it broke (couldn’t write it)🥲🥲 I now have to go get the morning after pill, but I’m being told it’s not affective? I’ve been off my period for a couple days, should I be worried? I don’t want any more kids and I’m terrified 🤣
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I heard its not affective if your ovulating

@Gianna I don’t think I’m ovulating, I’ve only been of my period for a couple days

It’s pretty much effective as long as the ovulation process hasn’t started, maybe test in a week or 2 if you’re still worried about it. I guess it’s like everything, not 100% effective.. good luck

@Bonnie on my flo app it says ovulation is in around 10 days so I don’t think I have. X

It’s a few days before because of the release of the egg, so you should be fine 🙂

I got pregnant after taken morning after pill 😂 she’s now 16 months x

@Reina I already have 2 under 2 I don’t want anymore 🤣🥲

Also it is weight dependent

I understand you completely x I hope It works for you x best of luck 🤞

Idk I’ve had sex almost everyday and I would still take the plan b and not get pregnant so I never listened when people said it doesn’t work when I’m ovulating cause I stopped taking it and got pregnant a month after I stopped using them

I was also 190lbs and didn’t listen to the weight thing so. Idk take that as you will lol goodluck

@Espy it wouldn’t work if you’re ovulating.. the purpose of the MAP is to stop the release of the egg, if you’ve already ovulated the egg is already waiting

You can't breastfeed for 36 hours when you take it. You have to pump and dump your milk if you do take the plan b pill.

@Bonnie still never got pregnant and like I said I took em frequently and got pregnant after I stopped using em. Never said it would work for her I’m just sharing my experience

Also, don't make it a habit to take plan b after everytime. It is not good for your body, breastfeeding or not. Birth conto would be better or get better condoms, you get what you pay for.

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