(Pill) Birth control question

Any moms here on the pill? I’ve been doing some research and know there’s 2 types of pills - the combo pill & mini pill. I’m leaning more towards the mini pill because of the hormones effect but want to hear some mom’s experiences on the pill. Some background info.. I’m on the Depo and making a switch (due to what I’ve heard about it and my own experience) I’ve only been on it for almost 2 years and starting to get ache and weight gain. My first year was rough for my body to get adjusted to birth control and had horrible hormonal control so I’m really looking for something that doesn’t affect me much besides protecting s3x. Also don’t want to gain more weight and want to fit back in my skinny jeans like I used to a few months ago 🥹 just really looking for some help and real experiences since I don’t trust doctors to really be in my best interest 😅 Sorry for the little rant, and thank you if you read it all 🙃
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I think with a contraception, every side effect is different. I’m on the implant, and my side effect are different. I’ve been on the pill too but kept forgetting to take it xx

I have been on the combined pill for about a year now previously on the Depo and have not got any side effects neither have I gained any weight . It may differ for someone else but I suggest you give the mini pill a try and if you don’t like it you can change it .

I loved the depo but I’ve now got osteoporosis because of prolonged use of it. I’m now on the mini pill and it’s been fine for me just make sure you take it at the same time everyday, set an alarm to remind you if you have to

The mini pill gave me no side effect I’m not too sure about my period though as I only gave birth 8 weeks ago

If you were willing to get the copper coil that’s good as it’s hormone free ☺️

I have the implant because I know if forget to take BC but so far so good! It has really cleared up my face and my periods have been pretty normal

I know 3 women who got pregnant on the pill. There's an awful lot of room for user error. If your body doesn't have a bad reaction to it, I think the copper IUD is a better choice.

@Emile I’ve never heard of that, I’ll look into it thank you!

@Catherine The IUD is a good choice I’ve heard good things about it but it will be my very last choice, I don’t want anything inserted my body 😅 I’m just too scared to do any of that 😂

Look into a contraceptive patch, they are amazing, I have recommended them to everyone ,No side effects and super easy to use ☺️

The copper iud is great but I know it can be scary, I got mine put in 2 months after I give birth and didn’t feel anything from it thank god but once it’s in it can last up to 10 years depending on how long you want it for

If you are looking for a bc that isn’t going to affect you most people say copper coil. I’m on implant + mini pill but due to horrible things I’m switching to the merina coil

I was on Xulane patches for a while, and I liked them because it wasn't something I had to remember to do every day, I just had to remember to do it every week

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