Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Is it working for you?
When using the strips, do you actually dip it into a pee container? Sorry, first time user here!
Settle a debate between my husband and I please!
To start, i am not trolling im asking a genuine question. Im embarassed hence opted for incognito. I have only been with circumcised men. My new partner is uncircumcised. Iv never seen a uncircumcised penis before. What do you do with the foreskin during oral?
Has anybody taken it before? Did it help? Any side effects?
What is a good birth control that’s either low hormonal or non hormonal??
Can anyone tell me there experience? Do you feel more like yourself? Also any recommendations for not getting pregnant with out taking birth control 😂
23 months no period and now it's back 😭😭😭 I am not ready!!!
What Birth control is the best option? I personally do not want anymore kids. I have 1 and I am happy with 1. What birth control works best ?
Anyone been told by their clinic to take progynova under the tongue? I’ve been doing it but it just feels weird, like I’m not fully taking it in?!
Ladies, especially breastfeeding ladies what are we doing about birth control . I panic requested ParaguaRD form my OB due to the no hormone factor but after research I’m no longer wanting it (I already had terrible cramps and bleeding and not looking to make it worse) But now I’m debating what method to do that is...
Hi, I’ve always used waterwipes but I’m looking for a cheaper alternative that are just as good? Any recommendations?
Anyone take this pill and feel like it made them put weight on? Or they are barely eating but cannot lose weight? Low moods? I’m currently using this.. and would like to stop as I feel im always feeling down, no sex drive and cannot seem to lose weight. Would all of these things revert back to normal if I stop taki...
Any pros/cons, any information on this!
(not baby related) my baby is now 3 weeks old and i don’t really know how to go about being put on the pill do i have to book a gp appointment? or is there an easier way?
Hey guys what contraception are yous going on if any I need advice/ideas thank you x
I’m just doing some research on contraception, I’m looking for preferably non hormonal, or ones with the least side affects, I suffer terribly with depression/ weight grain with some hormonal ones. Can anyone recommend anything?
There’s this white sticky layer sorta in my lill gal’s (3 weeks old) genitals. It’s not like vaginal discharge. It’s there since the birth. I’ve given her a bath every other day since week 2 but the layer won’t go. Tried wiping it but it’s too sticky and I’m scared to hurt her, so didn’t pressurise into cleaning it...
I’ve had the implant for years on and off (absolutely fine) but really struggling with it after having my little boy (had it put in 3/4 months ago now). I’m getting a period every two weeks and it’s making me feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Has anyone else gone through similar?
Yall I need to rant a minute. I got my IUD like 2weeks ago and have been bleeding since, like a light period. I wanna have sex so bad cuz my man is fine as hell lol. He’s being sooo patient and doesn’t force me to do anything if I don’t want to but im over this bleeding!! I know some people have period sex but we’re...