Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Women's Health.
Yall I need to rant a minute. I got my IUD like 2weeks ago and have been bleeding since, like a light period. I wanna have sex so bad cuz my man is fine as hell lol. He’s being sooo patient and doesn’t force me to do anything if I don’t want to but im over this bleeding!! I know some people have period sex but we’re...
Girls I need some help I stopped taking the birth control pill ( I was only on the progesterone one) me and my partner had unprotected sex a few weeks after and I took the pill after we had finished my mate said I’m covered but took a test to make sure and it came back negative it’s been a few weeks and today I have...
i’m just wondering what i should do, this is my first proper period since having my little girl and i’ve been on my period for 2 months while on the pill. What should i do? it goes away for a couple hours then comes back ?
Hi ladies Please may I ask for some positive contraception feedback? I was on the pill from age 16. 6 months on the hormonal coil but I didn’t take well to it. Unsure what (if any) to pursue now? Thanks
Me and my husband have just had our first baby 5 months ago and honestly we feel so satisfied and complete as a family with him and we both don't want anymore as we are so content with our first. I am on contraception atm on hormonal iud and I absolutely hate the way it makes me feel and i can't stand it. I have als...
Im 3mpp and we had an oopsie. My partner pulled out and realised he was not wearing the condom, turns out it got stuck INSIDE my kitty 🥲 What are the chances? I’m breastfeeding, no period in sight, considering the morning after pill but I’m scared it’ll kill the supply I worked SO HARD for 🥲
Okay, so I've been on the implant since November, had a baby in August and still bleeding quite a lot I kinda want to ride it out until 6 months so my body can get used to it but my husband is telling me to go on the pill as well (apparently it can stop the bleeding) or to get the implant taken out and go on the pi...
Has anyone else had to take progesterone suppositories? I’m currently 5w4d pregnant and my doctor prescribed them to me to help support my pregnancy due to a slight bleed found on my 5 week ultrasound. She said I will probably need to take them for 12 weeks and it’s twice daily. Looking to hear from other women who ...
I've taken this randomly because I felt off and I swore I seen a line and my husband (who never sees a line) can see one too...but I don't know? This was an afternoon wee and we haven't long had sex either?
So I just had a baby nine months ago and I bleed up to nearly 7 months postpartum and I had gotten the birth control shot after having my daughter. I got off the shot the end of November cuz it was giving mee really bad migraines and making mee sick and I haven’t bled since but maybe like just a couple days and that...
I have my PP check up next month and they ask about birth control. What birth control are you on and what’s your experience? I’ve tried the pills but I forget to take them and its just risky.
so i’ve just been shaving my vagina and i cut my labia minora a little bit like a tiny cut and obviously it’s valentine’s day tomorrow and my man will be here, is it still okay to have sex?? i wanted to look all sexy for him 😩
Hey all!! Just found out I'm expecting baby #2 :) Looking for midwife recommendations. I used Community Midwives last pregnancy and didn't have the best experience. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Anyone else's little started sucking on wet wipes? Or just mine 😁🤣
I’m currently on the Depo and have noticed I’m starting to get some of the side effects of ache and weight gain. I really don’t like birth control overall but don’t want to be pregnant right now. (I also plan to have more kids and heard the Depo can cause some issues going again and I really don’t want that to happe...
I’m not looking to get pregnant for another year or so and been on the copper coil for about 3 months. Ive been having two periods a week and yesterday I’d had enough and got it removed. I’ve pretty much every different form of contraptions now but still none the wiser which is best! PLEASE CAN YOU ALL TELL ME WHAT ...
I’ve been using my prep machine for nearly 4 months now and the filter light as never come on. I clean I maybe every other week. I looked at it today and there was mould all round the edges and what is this in the filter. Made me feel sick. Definitely not using this again.
(Getting impatient to find out the gender I’m so excited) 😂
Has anyone ever got a progesterone injection in Ontario?
Anybody got any advice? Supplements they take etc? Mine is non existent and I really want it back.