Love mine. It was similar to a smear and not as bad as cervical checks in labour! I've got the kyleena which is smaller than the mirena or copper so worth considering!
I’ve had two, both the copper coil. First one really hurt going in, but it was literally like 20 seconds and it’s gone so completely manageable. Second one didn’t hurt. Had period like cramping and spotting after both with both. Also just an fyi the copper coil made my periods last twice as long and were way more painful, but I didn’t want any hormones so just put up with it x
Thank you all so much! That is super positive and puts me at ease. I cannot have the copper one as I’m anaemic so have to have no choice. C
I’ve had the copper coil twice now. The first time pre babies I went for the fitting she couldn’t get it in and it was very uncomfortable, she gave up and sent me to a doctor to have it done and I had a local anaesthetic. It went in no problem. After my second baby I opted for it again and was dubious following my last experience but she had it in straight away with no pain at all. I think it comes down to the health care professional and their experiences 🤣 I’ve also had no issues with it at all! Absolutely love it.
I've also had the copper coil twice now, zero issues both times and wasn't painful. I've given birth to a 9lb 9 baby, nothing is worse than that 😅
I had the copper coil put in last week and it was absolutely fine. I chatted to the doctor throughout it being put in.
I had the mirena coil fitted about 5 months ago for the first time at age 33 (after 2 babies). For me it was honestly nothing. Felt a tiny pinch in my cervix. I didn't need any pain relief. Had a little bit of cramping later that day and maybe the day after. Similar to period cramps. I think it can really vary from person to person x
It’s not too bad tbh, it’s uncomfortable I would say but not painful and nothing compared to birth x
Phewwww, thank you all so much!! This is reassuring 🩷
I had the coil - the fitting was fine, slightly uncomfortable but not painful and only takes a couple of minutes. Had some slight period like cramping afterwards and a bit of spotting but nothing unbearable that couldn’t be managed with a couple of paracetamol. Had it for 4 years with no issues during