Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Bottles advices ! 🍼

Hi mama’s! new mommy here about bottles ! I’ve been breastfeeding my baby boy his first 6 months and start using preparation after. Since then i used the bottles that i received at my baby shower, and now that he is going to daycare im learning that there are different sizes of nippy! So I’ve been using 0 and 1 s...



Those of you that use Kendamil, do you use the follow on milk now or still using the first infant milk?


Formula mommas

Has anyone had any experience with their LO eating more of one formula, and then not eating as much of another? We have even doing Enfamil since he was 5 days old, but recently there’s been a shortage near us so we had to switch to Similac temporarily. LO chugs the similac and wants 6-8 oz every feed, but the Enfami...



How many oz is your Little one drinking


Aptamil pepti

My baby has recently been prescribed aptamil pepti 1 and we have been struggling with his bottles during the night as we wake up on demand. So by the time the milk is cooled he is screaming for his bottle. Is there a way we can prep his bottles in advance to make the night times easier? Can we have boiled water in a...


17m only drinking milk!! HELP

so i kept my toddler on to formula 3 because he isn’t eating properly he won’t eat more than a mouthful whether it’s a meal or snack ! he is easily distracted and drinks milk more than anything else. He also gets hungry through the night and screams for milk and can tell when i offer water. this has been happening f...


How much milk is your baby drinking?

Curious as to how many oz per bottle everyone is offering? And how many feeds & meals your baby is on a day?


Thoughts on bottle maker?

Looking to buy one, but has anyone used one ? Would you buy it again ?


Crying confusion

So I need some advice. I fed my little guy around 40 mins ago. He’s 4 weeks old and nearly took 120 mls which is what he’s been taking for a couple of days now. I then felt him poo whilst I was cuddling him and he started to look at little uncomfortable so I changed him. He then got quite fussy afterwards and starte...


Baby not drinking his bottle

My boy is 6 months old I have never had any issues with him drinking his bottles today tho he wants absolutely nothing to do with his second bottle of the day I have been trying for an hr now to get him to drink it he normally has a bottle every 3hrs we are now at hr 4 and I have no clue what to do


No longer finishing bottles

My little one usually has 7oz every 3-4 hrs and mostly finishes every bottle. The last couple of days he has only been drinking 3-5oz per feed. I’ve tried changing the teet a size and hasn’t made any difference. Once he has done 3-5oz he just starts pushing the bottle out with his tongue and refuses the rest des...


Those that have fully swapped to cow milk, how much are your LOs having?

We are on our last 5 bottles of formula, so far he’s been having 7oz cows milk for his afternoon milk but not sure how much to give him once we fully swap



When can my baby be weaned off of formula onto regular whole milk? She’s gonna be a year old on the 22nd and my husband and I are so excited to stop formula since it’s been very expensive 😅



My little one seems to be suffering with reflux / colic and uncomfortable after feeds she’s on aptamil and thinking of changing …. Unsure whether to use Kendamil or hipp organic, any advice ?


Mouldy water bottle

Right mamas.. Are you buying new water bottles for your LOs every few weeks/month? If not, how are you stopping their water bottles getting mould on/in them? Arrrgh😭


What’s everyone’s 12 month old feeding schedule?

My LB turned one on the 7th and we’re transitioning to cows milk. He won’t fully have the cows milk so we’re doing half formula half cows milk at the minute. However, we gave him a bottle yesterday morning but didn’t want any breakfast or dinner so I thought he might’ve been full from the milk. So, this morning I tr...


Teat size

What size is your 9 month old teat size on? Im using Mam bottles with teat size 2 atm


Combi feeding

Has anyone successful combi fed after having to introduce formula early? My baby was dropping weight when we were exclusively breastfeeding so we were advised to introduce formula top ups after breastfeeding just before she was 2 weeks old. It has worked well and she has gained weight since which is a huge relief an...


Hungry baby

My little girl is 5 weeks old and up until yesterday was having 4oz every 3 hours. Today she has completely thrown me off. She wanted another bottle after 2 hours so for the next feed I gave her 5oz thinking that if she wanted another bottle sooner then maybe 4oz isn’t enough now as she’s growing. She finished the 5...


Feeding on a schedule or on demand?

How do you do feedings with milk? Do you wait for your baby to ask for it or you just offer on a schedule? What are the cues? I feel like my baby is always putting stuff on his mouth, so I don’t know if is because he’s hungry or not. If you do it o a schedule, every how many hours do you feed them?


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