Yeah as stated above, from 12 months they don’t need formula anymore. My girl took to cows milk fine (only if warmed up though) so I just cold turkey made the switch once the formula tin was done and she didn’t seem bothered by it.
Nice 🥹 thank you guys so much!
Once she turns 1 😊 I half & halfed whatever was left of the formula with milk for the first few days. But once the can ran out, we just gave her straight up whole milk and she took it just fine ~
My little one shares a birthday with yours! We also can't wait to switch to normal cow milk😂 We have another 1.5 tubs of formula left and will be introducing organic cow milk from M&S🥰
By a year old, when baby can officially have cow's milk! Some formulas claim to go into toddlerhood but there is no proven nutritive value to formula after a year of age. It's a marketing gimmick to get you to continue buying it, so don't bother. Formula is specifically tailored for young infants and is basically like buying expensive pee for toddlers.