Possibly have also tried ambusol prior to feeds
My girl only drinks 4oz a feed. May be a phase? I wouldn’t worry. 3-5oz is still enough x
My daughter is exactly the same she has 2 teeth coming through she's 5 months on the 14th I've tried calpol, bongela, Nelson's teething gel not a lot works apart from cuddles
My little one does the same but he’s happy and playful in himself so I’m not concerned. They won’t starve themselves so as long as they are well in themselves and making enough wet nappies it shouldn’t be a worry. Call a HV or GP if you’re really concerned though.
Thanks everyone. Makes me feel better!
It’s a phase! Most babies go through it around 5/6 months!x
Yes my baby is 5 months and is doing the same!! X
This has got to be a phase?! as I’ve seen a few people say this now on this group :) my little girl has always been pretty consistent with her feeds - the last few days she has taken less or missed a couple of feeds over 2 days - I took her to the drs with something unrelated on Monday and they didn’t seem worried - the baby will eat as much as they want unless has other symptoms I presume. Our feeds are so much more distracted now too - lots of smiles/watching around her/chewing on the teat/ kicking her legs around/ watching the tv if it is on/ feeding from the bouncer only and it takes a little longer (sometimes change her in between to restart it!)
Do they need to up size in teats? I found thins everytime my LG started to not finish/get bored she’s now on size 3 xx
I tried sizing up from a 2 to a 3 this week and felt like it was flying out! And she’s a guzzler anyway haha! She took it but it seemed to be a bit too fast for her so have reverted to 2’s for the time being! X
I know a few people that stuck a pin in the teat2 to make it a little bigger so maybe give that a go on one? Xx
I’m in the middle of 2 and 3 at the moment. To see what he finishes more off 🙂