My 5 week old is also feeding so much the past 3 days! Xx
We had the same last week so upped to 5oz however have now gone back to 4 as he kept getting really bad reflux after his feeds.
It could either be a wee growth spurt or baby has a sore tummy. Often when they have a sore tummy they think they’re hungry.. so give hunger queues. Likely if they’re not showing any discomfort that it’s just a growth spurt though x
Same here we’re doing a few 6oz now but my boy was jaundice when born and my mum said I was exactly the same we were both born at 36 weeks and around the 5 week mark both of us suddenly became hungry xxx
Mine is 5 weeks old aswell and he’s doing something similar. They could be going through a growth spurt where they’ll just want more milk. It might only last for a day or 2 though x