Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Spotting 😩

Is anyone else experiencing light spotting? I didn’t get it with my first baby, and after a mc it’s just so triggering. Anyone have this, or had it in a healthy pregnancy 🙏🏻? Currently 5+3


Exhausted 37+1

Tiredness has slammed me the past few days, gone from having loads of energy and got through my list of tasks/prep and now I’m like a sloth always falling asleep


Is something wrong with me or is this normal? 25 weeks pregnant

Throughout this pregnancy I’ve been working out daily, running 5-6 miles, lifting weights etc. I run daily and weights 3x weekly. last week I started to get super weak. I can hardly go up stairs, I need to take a break. I just went for a run only 4.6 miles and I had to find the nearest place to sit down and call my...


Not looking for medical advice but does this look bad enough to get checked out but a doctor? It hurts to walk, when I sit and then get up walking gets more painful. Touching it is a 10/10. I fell off a porch and got stuck between stairs.

Pic in comments


Period like pains

Disclaimer: DEFINITELY NOT in labour 🤣 Anyone else experiencing like period pain really bad - low and almost like internally, like it’s my cervix hurting? Feels like when I used to be on my period, keep expecting to go toilet and see blood - luckily all fine. Not sure if this is common or linked to my pelvic…


Heartburn/ acid reflux

Can someone describe what heartburn, and acid reflux feels like please? Are they two different things? I think I have one of them 😅 feels like a burning in my throat and if I move around a lot it makes me feel sick. Have only noticed it these last few days. Especially when I have a lot of decaf weirdly.



I’m 10 weeks and 3 days, this nausea not settled due on 19th September, 12weeks scan on 10th march


TMI period after birth

Hi guys I had my son 3 months ago and I got my first period a couple days ago and it feels like I’m bleeding so much I’ve filled atleast 2 pads in a hour and it’s a dark red blood and some clots is this normal to bleed this much after birth for a period 3 m postpartum? I feel completely ran down and dizzy when I sta...


Anti-Sickness help!

Can anyone recommend any anti sickness wristbands that help combat nausea? 🤢


Complete Exhaustion

I’m 23+3 today and I am absolutely exhausted all of the time at the moment, to the point where I’m taking 1 if not 2 naps a day when I’m not at work. I thought you were supposed to be full of life during the second trimester?! 😂 has anyone else been feeling like this? I feel so bloody lousy


Soooo sore

My pelvic floor muscles are so so sore. It feels like I just ran a marathon or did a crazy workout. But it reality, it’s been a week since I worked out..hello 3rd trimester 😒


5mpp. I had my first period in January lasted 5 days. I’m over due my period by a day. I put a tampon in 2 days before had a bit of light pink and brown. Next day I had light pink very little. Took a test both negative.

I took a clear blue and first response. I am now 12dpo. Like it doesn’t feel like a period. I’m also bf. Anyone else had this?


Is this really happening!🥹🤞🏻

Had a super super squinter yesterday but today I really see this one, only 8 dpo



I’m a little over 10 weeks and haven’t had any cravings. I was excited to see what weird things my brain would come up with but it hasn’t happened😂 I mean, the only thing I want to drink is strawberry & kiwi flavour bottled water, I’m going through at least 2 big bottles a day.. I don’t think that counts as a…


Hip/Side Pain 😩

Help, I’m 21 weeks and would like some tips on hip pain. I normally sleep on my front or back and having to sleep on my sides are so painful. I already have a pregnancy pillow, I sleep with it between my legs but the pain is unreal during sleep. I keep getting cramps in my hip and then shooting pains which goes towa...


Period cramps

Woke up to painful period cramps that extend to my back—feels like something is wrapping around my whole pelvis. They don’t seem to come in waves but are more consistent. My pelvis feels very activated if that makes sense haha. What’s going on lol


Am I the only one?

17 weeks this Thursday, and my nausea seems to be easing off! I'm starting to feel much better! Is anyone the same?


23+2 bump update

Feel huge! Still paranoid when baby is asleep and not moving. He never moves at night either so most of the time I can’t sleep for worry.


Sleeping positions

I’m sleeping on my left side as advised but getting terrible shoulder ache and hip ache from the pressure of staying in one position too long. Any other safe sleeping positions that anyone knows of? Any tips? Thanks


39 weeks

Probably stating the obvious here but Is anyone else unsure whether to go out or what to do in their last week of pregnancy? Like I’m so fed up but I feel ok and want to go out but worried about waters breaking when driving or something. Is anyone else feeling the same is anyone else still going out and doing things...


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