Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.
Hey! I dont know if it because my stomach being pushed up and getting squashed. But I seem to keep feeling hungry, then nausea, then hungry, then nausea. Just can't seem to win! Also seem to be getting heartburn in the evening x
Hi so I’m 24 weeks 4 days pregnant with a boy who will be my first baby and he feels so low like I haven’t felt him kick past my belly button and yesterday I’m sure I could feel him kicking in my vagina 😭 it hurts around my groin when I’m walking and pain in the middle of my back. Is all this normal with first…
Anyone else?
Does anybody else have a baby who just won't stop wriggling? I'm a FTM so not sure if this is normal or not? Whenever he's layed on the floor or in my arms he's all over the place wriggling.
Anyone get cramps (like bad belly, not baby) and then have really loose bowels? Then after you’ve been, it’s ok and the cramps go? I feel so empty but boy it hurt
I’m 17+6 I am a thick girl and I still haven’t started showing I have no bump you wouldn’t even think I’m carrying! Who else is on the same boat?
I’m so worried. Baby isn’t pointing. Is anyone else in the same situation!? Thanks
Hey just need some advice, babys been really active the past few days and felt her a lot, from this morning she’s been very quite I’ve felt movements but they have been very small and less frequent compared to how they have been. Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm 16 weeks and starting to get way more tired after about 3pm than I was in the first trimester. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Anyone movement kind of stop last few days I’m 37 weeks and my movement are hardly there I definitely don’t feel big punch and kicks only feel with my hand sometimes if I’m lucky I went to get checked out they said everything fine
Ok so baby daddy came to town to see his children. I seen it as an opportunity to scratch that itch. Nothing more and nothing less. I was a day off my period and feeling good. He’s been the only man I slept with in the past few years and I want to keep it like that. We didn’t use protection and it was so good we di...
How active was your first baby? I’m 17+2 and my baby is SO active, in no way am I complaining because I love knowing they’re okay in there but I wasn’t expecting to feel so much so early on So far today I’ve had nearly 25 kicks (it’s 3:30pm) and baby usually only kicks around 9pm
Positively exhausted and moody as hell. Just fell asleep sitting up on the couch with my son😣. I just pooped for the 4th time today (not normal) and feel a little nauseated and just so so so out of this world tired. Lots of pressure and heaviness down low and some back pain when I went walking this morning. Could I…
Come 3 o'clock and all I've done is feed, change and lay on the sofa while the baby sleeps. My husband goes back to work next week and I'm not sure how I'm ever going to do anything with my day. Is anyone else the same, or are you managing to achieve things?
I’m 11weeks and have been working out during my entire pregnancy but have not added weights and have even done less weight if I’m feeling overly tired. My Monday workout seemed to really kick my butt and I’m feeling extra sore today though nothing was different, if anything I did a few fewer reps here and there. Won...
I’m 22 weeks and baby kicks are super low like I swear I could say I’m my vag I don’t recall feeling kicks so low with my son
I feel soooo exhausted and I wanna sleep all day and it's hard to express that to people right now. I am currently at uni and I have a 2 and a half year old I'm so drained. Please let me not be the only one going through this right now.
tmiii but 30 weeks pregnant & i just went to the bathroom after having sex and noticed some light pink spotting and swelling after around 2 wipes, should i be concerned or call my ob ? It is my first pregnancy so i just thought to ask other mommies first ! 😅💗
Hey I am 5 and a half weeks and I am so so emotional I’m literally welling up multiple times a day, I’m crying over anything like adverts, TV, just imaginary thoughts in my head 😂 I’m assuming it’s all hormonal but is anyone else like this?
Those who have given birth vaginally and done it unmedicated, would you say being used to very strong period cramps helped you manage? Or do you not usually get strong period cramps and so it’s unrelated/unpredictable? I get strong period cramps that radiate down my thighs and often have to lunge and piggyback pain...