Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Definitely struggling with lack of sleep.... Anyone else?

Two weeks postpartum and the only thing keeping me going is coffee. Zzzzzzz


Is all exhaustion comparable?

Recently ran to the comments of a post following the “met my younger self for coffee” trend 😂 She said she’d punch her younger self in the face for saying she was tired. The comments were full of ladies without kids getting super triggered like, “We’re all exhausted!” and mamas saying it’s not…


Bleeding from the bum😩

Girls, I know I shouldn't be embarrassed but I am hence the anonymous post but I'm really worried, has anyone experienced this... for just abit before birth and for the whole 6 months of my daughter being in this world, I have wiped bright red blood from my bum, quite a lot, and some days it won't be as bad but majo...


Is cramping and spotting normal?

Hey all! I’m 12+3 today and last night I noticed I had a bit of spotting. I’ve been having a bit of cramping for a few days so the spotting freaked me out a little. This is my second pregnancy and I didn’t have this with my first. My doctors aren’t concerned, but I can’t help but feel like something may be wrong. Ha...


Need some advice

Hi I’m 9 weeks and on two anti sickness tablets my symptoms have drastically improved over night I’m worried my mind is just thinking the worst


Can’t tell if this is my baby moving or reacting to me

I keep getting sharp pains when I’m singing randomly in my belly or when I’m startled, is that my baby reacting to me and moving as it only happens randomly I’m 16 weeks - i dunno what else it could be besides the baby getting bigger etc but I’ve been told it’s my baby moving


Frequent rib discomfort at 22 weeks

Is anyone else experiencing this and does anyone know what it is likely to be?


Baby movement

Anyone else feeling baby move in their vagina? - my first baby, it feels so weird 😂


How many weeks would you say I am?

I’m getting worried as my bump is so different to when I was pregnant with my first!


Baby movements

Hi! I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant and I don’t think I’ve felt the baby move yet. I’ve got a posterior placenta. The only movements I’ve had is almost like a jabbing pain? Which moves above every couple of hours? The only way to describe it is someone jabbing the inside of me with a small pen or something? Anyon...


Am I overthinking?

My boobs are feeling less sore (still slightly sensitive when I touch them) and I know that’s probably silly, but after having recurring miscarriages I can’t help but worry.. I’m 10 weeks and still have all other symptoms (Bad nausea, fatigue, headache, cramps & back ache) Am I overthinking the loss of this one sy...


cravings while bf

do/did you experience food cravings while bf? at the minute i’m obsessed with boiled eggs (i didn’t even like eggs until i was pregnant and one day started craving them) it’s so random and wanted to see if anyone else had cravings while breastfeeding 😂🙈



I am 34+5 weeks pregnant I have had reduced movement my hole pregnancy sometimes I can go full week recently he been moving first thing in morning I go in to hospital twice a week coz of my movement today I haven’t felt him at all but that can be normal at times and I have been on my feet all day I also have appoint...


Periods since pregnancy

Have your periods gone back to normal since having LO? 15 months on and on my heavy days I'm REALLY heavy (tampons are a waste of time), I'm spotting around ovulation which I never used too and sometimes even actually bleeding. The only thing that is normal is I'm regular and they're lasting the same amount of time ...



I am feeling absolutely exhausteddddd. It’s like first trimester exhaustion and I’m 31 + 4 today. Anyone else experiencing this? I feel like I need 4 naps a day now for the past week. 😴😴😴😴


Spotting 😩

Is anyone else experiencing light spotting? I didn’t get it with my first baby, and after a mc it’s just so triggering. Anyone have this, or had it in a healthy pregnancy 🙏🏻? Currently 5+3


Exhausted 37+1

Tiredness has slammed me the past few days, gone from having loads of energy and got through my list of tasks/prep and now I’m like a sloth always falling asleep


Is something wrong with me or is this normal? 25 weeks pregnant

Throughout this pregnancy I’ve been working out daily, running 5-6 miles, lifting weights etc. I run daily and weights 3x weekly. last week I started to get super weak. I can hardly go up stairs, I need to take a break. I just went for a run only 4.6 miles and I had to find the nearest place to sit down and call my...


Not looking for medical advice but does this look bad enough to get checked out but a doctor? It hurts to walk, when I sit and then get up walking gets more painful. Touching it is a 10/10. I fell off a porch and got stuck between stairs.

Pic in comments


Period like pains

Disclaimer: DEFINITELY NOT in labour 🤣 Anyone else experiencing like period pain really bad - low and almost like internally, like it’s my cervix hurting? Feels like when I used to be on my period, keep expecting to go toilet and see blood - luckily all fine. Not sure if this is common or linked to my pelvic…


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