Same here except I've cleaned up sick and changed her twice 🙈🤣 partner went back to work this week if I'm honest I've struggled alittle emotionally feeling like I'm not doing enough but I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.... haven't managed to be much in the house other than wash bottles and put a load of washing on seem that this week my baby has decided not to want to sleep much lol xx
My little one is 2 weeks and today I managed to have a shower and tidy some bits, and my husband has put a couple loads of washing on. We’ve started to lay her down in her Moses basket whilst she’s napping so that we can get stuff done. Until today though, I wasn’t even brushing my hair each day because all I was doing was sleeping or feeding her
My husband went back to work last week, baby boy is now 4 weeks and I still manage nothing during the day other than feed and change him! But honestly as much as I would like to tidy up and sort myself out I just keep thinking keeping this little boy comfy and happy is all that matters right now and everything else can wait, when he is a little older and in a proper routine I will be able to do all the other stuff but right now enjoy all the cuddles 🥰😊
Se here! 😅 I tried baby-wearing so I can get some stuff done. Still not much... And my partner is going back to work next week too, when the little one is 3 weeks old... You're doing great keeping this little human being fed, clean, rested and happy! Keep going, there will be time for a tidy house and routine... but now, just enjoy it 🥰
I try getting up before my little one does (doesn’t always work) which allows me to get myself ready and dressed for the day, as once awake some days I can’t get much done , again in the evening when my husband is home I let him chill with baby and I try and catch up on jobs
As much as I’d love to just lay down and catch up on sleep I have 2 toddler tornados that need feeding, entertaining, bathing etc. so day starts at 4am, in bed around 9pm, and then awake around 12/1ish then 3ish for baby. Is everything perfectly up to standard- no, definitely no. But we manage. You’ll find your rhythm and what works for you. There’s plenty of time for chores etc. but they’re only little for so long 🥹 But what’s helped me is bulk meal prepping, a have a small list of things to do before bed (put load of washing on, quick sweep or vac, set up for next day, toy reset etc), doing things as I go (wash cup from coffee in the morning after I’m finished, put away things as they aren’t needed). Again not perfect but it works for me ❤️
I neeed to see this right now 😂 I feel that way today. All I’ve done is feed, change, soothe and had to contact nap Haven’t managed a shower or brushing my teeth and just about had something to eat!