Pregnancy Symptoms

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Baby getting around

Is your baby getting around yet? I’ll put him down in one spot and find him far away in another 😂 he just rolls everywhere, pulls his legs under his belly trying to crawl or he holds onto something and pulls himself. It’s hilarious where I find him sometimes 😂😭


I’m sooooo tired.

Immigration processing SUCKS now I’m alone with a 6 month old. Red Bull or coffee does work and I have to clean but by this time of the day I’m so tired.



Anyone else have dreams about their partners cheating on them? Even if it’s super random I still wake up mad and tell my boyfriend 😂. I’ll be mad for a little while but then I’m like I’m so glad it’s a dream


Right ovary pain

For the past few weeks I’ve been getting sharp pain in my right ovary. It’s on and off throughout the day. I have been breastfeeding for pretty much a year. My daughter turns one this weekend. I haven’t had my period yet. Please can someone tell me if they’ve experienced this? What is it? Should I go to the dr? ...



Any recommendations for dealing with congestion? My 12 week old little girl is sounding a little phlegmy in her nose - it’s not blocked more loose.


Bump feeling bruised

Anyone else feel like the top of their bump is bruised…


Bitterness taste?

As I was eating my dinner my chicken tasted sour😂 I was so confused and tried a few other foods like potato but EVERYTHING tasted bitter😣 anyone experiencing this?



What does everyone use to get more energy I’m so tired everyday. I do sleep but my son wakes up 4/5 am all the time so I get broken sleep.


Shooting pain in scar

So I’ll be 6 months pp next week, multiple times today I’ve had sudden sharp shooting type pains in my scar. They last around 2-5 mins at a time then completely disappear. Earlier this happened when I was reaching or bending down but has also happened when laying or being sat. Has anyone experienced this?


Anyone else feel numb?

Anyone get to a point where they are just on auto pilot and feel nothing?



Hey girls, I’ve booked my appointment for my smear and I’m really nervous I don’t know what to expect. The last time I was on the bed at the doctor’s like this was when I had my stretch and sweep which caused heavy bleeding and needing to be induced almost immediately. I’m not sure if this is kind of a trauma resp...


Early mat leave

Sorry feel like I’m posting every half a day lol 😂🙈 soo after a hoo har about reduced hours my boss has reduced to 9 hours from 12 after I requested 8. Back to work this set of 5 after 2 weeks off and I’ve now been struck with some form of flu/cold sore throat and blocked nose (not sure if sore throat is from…


Swollen downstairs

One thing I was never prepared for was the pain that comes with having a swollen vagina. Without being too graphic, I’m in so much pain, I feel like the external parts of my lady area are going to explode any moment from pressure. Google says it’s normal and it’s pressure from the baby’s bead/ increased blood in t...


Has anyone else had reduced movement?

Hi im 32 weeks and in the last week I’ve been to hospital twice due to not feeling baby much. It used to move very regularly especially at night but now it’s hardly anything. Heard baby’s heartbeat fine but obv still worrying. Anyone else experienced this?


Baby position

Anyone else who can feel baby kicks feel like they’re trying to get escape already?? She is feeling super low down lol🤣 I’m 21+3 for reference


My god 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyone else hungry but when you go to eat your food (no more then 15 mouthfuls) you feel full or nauseous I’m getting annoyed now I’m on anti sickness to stop me being sick/nauseous but I’m hungry and struggling 🙃 11 weeks on Friday 💙🩷

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