You definitely sound close!! Does movement help?
I'm feeling the same way. And ugh it hurts so much down there when I'm walking and I can't even cross my legs when sitting. Let's hope doctor says I'm more dilated I was only 1cm last week
@Marnie ugh soo hard! Just ready for this little one to come!
@Jess I really hope so!!! I just have this feeling that I am! Movement helps some but my back just won’t get comfortable no matter what I do
@Nicole Freitas 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼let me know how the appointment goes!
Honestly idk what to believe anymore the doctor said last week that I was 1cm dilated right and we did a membrane sweep. Well this woman doctor today says that apparently my cervix closed that I'm not dilated at all and that she doesn't do membrane sweeps until after 38 weeks.. I hate these doctors offices that have multiple doctors so I don't know if I'll get the same one as well as they all have different opinions so you don't know who's telling the truth 😭. But like it doesn't help explain this constant pain I'm feeling along with the pressure.
@Nicole Freitas I feel you with the constant pain and pressure and little to no progression. Everyone that’s checked me said I’m still closed (as of yesterday) but I know she’s coming soon. I’m 37+5 now and I just want my baby girl on the outside
@Emilee I've decided I'm gonna go to the hospital tomorrow and tell them how I'm feeling and get their opinion because it seems like the doctor today especially just didnt care to listen to how im feeling and making me feel invalidated and also maybe can get an ultrasound and measurments. Cause I haven't even had an ultrasound in almost 2 months so I don't even know how big baby is
I haven’t had an ultrasound in a hot minute, so who knows. They probably won’t do an ultrasound at the hospital unless they suspect something is wrong with the baby. The hospital will definitely check you, but will probably tell you to go home and wait till contractions last at least a minute long and are 3-5 minutes apart
I’m in the same boat girl - moody, grumpy, emotional and exhausted. Walking and Pilates helps but man, normal life is hard right now.