Braxton hicks possibly? Or, how’s your water intake? With my first boy when I got to this stage of I hadn’t drank enough in the day I’d be convinced Labour was happening and it would be as simple as I hadn’t drank enough 😂😂 xx
Yeah i had period like pain the other day!
I have literally just started cramping. I’m 30+3. Is this normal? Starting to get worried as I keep getting like stabbing pains on my lower right hand side when I walk which started this morning. I thought baby had just moved positions but I’m getting worried now x
If it's on one side near your pelvis might be round ligament pain as I've been getting that. My Braxton Hicks is more like a big period pain / contraction which lasts around 2-5 minutes. I had it whilst driving home today 😩
Could be Braxton Hicks? Mine began like period pain and now it's progressed to hard tense stomach pain