Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Growth scan

Iv just had a growth scan at 33+3 and baby is on the 33rd pecentile doctor didnā€™t really say anything should I be worried or is that normal? Thankyou


Dating scan

Finally had our dating scan at 13w2d and everything was really positive after previous losses šŸ„¹ Any guesses to gender? I have no idea how the nub skull theoryā€™s work.


Hi :)

I have tested positive last week and itā€™s my first time plus I donā€™t have any family in the UK who can give me advice and I canā€™t tell any friends with kids yet. Can someone tell me what happens next? I have checked the NHS website and it says there to contact my GP asap. I did so and they said they wonā€™t see me un...


Thoughts, opinions and comments: MRI I 100% canā€™t afford and they wonā€™t give me my xray results.

Firstly, I do have medical insurance. Secondly, I have a high deductible and right now canā€™t afford any more medical debt as is. ā€”ā€”-I saw a doctor (specialist) recently due to pain in my arm. The pain comes randomly and can stay for 24hr to a whole week (I have had surgery in this area about a 12 years ago by the ...


8 week scan and first midwife appt

Very relieved this morning that little shrimp is doing well. Had 2 previous losses and found this to be a huge relief, although Iā€™m sure the anxiety will come back before my 12 week scan. I thought the dreaded TWW while trying was bad, maybe the wait between scans is even worse šŸ˜‚ Got my first midwife appt onā€¦


12 week gender guess

Iā€™m now 15 weeks but weā€™ve had a few people guess the gender based on nub theory looking at our 12 week scan. My husband is really hoping for a boy but Iā€™m thinking this is a girl!


St Helier scan

Has anyone had a scan at st Helier recently and can tell me how much they're charging for ultrasound pics and if they take cash or card or both please


20 week scan

Did anyone else have to go back for 20 week scan as baby wasnā€™t being cooperative and couldnā€™t see face? Iā€™ve had a letter and itā€™s now titled a ā€œdetailed anatomy scanā€ where it was called ā€œanatomy scanā€ on previous letters. Iā€™m now overthinking lol


32 weeks scan

I just had my 32 week growth scan and baby girl is growing great, however her tummy is on the 97th percentile! Her head is only the 31st percentile!! Legs are average at 53rd percentile. I was just wondering if anyone has previously had a baby measuring with a big tummy? The consultant wasnā€™t worried but I amšŸ˜‚


4th percentile

Will be going in for an elective c section anyway. My baby is currently measuring on the 4th percentile. I am 35 weeks on Wednesday and have another growth scan this day. If I drop to the 3rd percentile on Wednesday what is the likelihood of them considering dates on when to deliver or is it likely Iā€™ll have to go...


4th Percentile

My baby is currently measuring on the 4th percentile. I am 35 weeks on Wednesday and have another growth scan this day. If I drop to the 3rd percentile on Wednesday what is the likelihood of them considering dates on when to deliver or is it likely Iā€™ll have to go back again at 37 weeks for another scan (as I know ...


Big baby

I had a scan on Friday and my baby is estimated to be 7.3 pounds already at 34 weeksā€¦. They have offered me an induction at 39 weeks but I felt like they were advising against a C section at this point. Has anyone else been told they have a big baby and been advised to have induction earlier?


Was your early gender scan accurate?

Getting a 16 week gender scan this week at 16+3, but now worrying that theyā€™ll get it wrong! Those who did get an early gender scan, did they get it right or wrong for you? Thanks!


20w anatomy scan

My appointment is in 2 weeks, I know some of the stuff that's checked but any mamas that's had this already, could you give me a list of everything they look at? I'm just curious! Thank you šŸ©µšŸ‘£


Anatomy scan tomorrow.

Iā€™m so nervous!!!! lol. Who else has had it done yet? Who can tell me their experiences?


Emergency room scare

So I had my FET on 2/11 and had a positive on 4dp5dt. Had beta #1 on 2/21 and it was 202. 2nd beta on 2/24 and it was 537. Estimated due date of 10/30/25 was given to me. Well fast forward to today and since last night, i was having intense pain. Went to the emergency room and they stated that my hcg is at 12,076.1 ...


Ultrasound gender prediction

At an ultrasound around week 16 how accurate is a gender prediction?



I had a private scan today and was advised that my baby is small not dangerously but a bit under what she should be is anyone else experiencing this ?


Babyā€™s position

First time mum here (probably obvious) I had a private scan today, Iā€™m 27 weeks pregnant. My baby is currently in a transverse position and pretty much has been in the same position since our first scan, I have been looking online and it says they usually move head down towards the end of pregnancy. Is that usually ...


Very early days!

My wife and I found out weā€™re pregnant earlier in the week, weā€™ve been trying for 4 years so this is massive for us! Weā€™re booked in for a scan at 6+5 what do scans look like at that time?


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