Don't be nervous, it's really cool/amazing to see! Feel excited!
I haven’t had it this pregnancy but with my first it took 3 different ultrasounds because my son was stubborn and didn’t wanna show his lungs or heart. They look to make sure baby is looking great and that everything looks normal. It can also take up to a hour to get everything they need so I wouldn’t plan anything soon after the appointment just incase yours is in the longer side.
Mine is on: 28th this month. Very excited too!! :)
Mine is next 1st of next month.
Babygirl is healthy! She has a 2 vessel chord but blood work is great and she’s growing perfectly! 11oz and in the 59th percentile! I had a 2 vessel chord with my second son and he’s fine!
Mines on the 24th and I’m super excited to see her. She doesn’t like to be pushed on so hopefully she cooperates with the scan lol. She’s a very active little girly!
It’s always scary but nothing to worry about lol it’s just like any other ultrasound ☺️