Ultrasounds can make a positive pregnancy test a reality. Discover real stories from real women and explore expert advice on all things pregnancy scans and ultrasounds.
I had to go for a ultrasound yesterday and they wouldn’t tell me anything they said it’s confidential but my doctor called today with the results saying my baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 6 days and I am 9 weeks 7 days but I had went in on march 5th for a ultrasound because I had bad cramps and was worried because i...
Has anyone had private scans? I’m currently 9 weeks 4 days and have my NHS 12 week scan booked in but it’s for after Mother’s Day and I was hoping to tell the family on Mother’s Day with a scan. Are they worth it? Am I going to find out anything extra or should I just wait for my NHS scan?
I had my 20 weeks scan and have few midwife appointments where they measure the belly old school with measurement tape and listen to the heartbeat through like a Doppler not even proper scan - but I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and they don’t see the scan of the baby. Am I suppose to book something private to chec...
Anyone else just as fascinated with these ultrasounds as me 🤯 with my first 5 years ago the best I got was a very grainy black and white 2D 😂 7 more weeks tops til I can hold this little guy! I’m getting excited
And my 12 week scan is not booked yet. Feel a bit deflated my midwife hasn’t booked things sooner. Anyone else in the same boat?
This is my second baby and I’ve had additional fetal monitoring due to some complications. Today at my growth scan she measured 5 pounds 10 ounces and in the 14th percentile. My first baby I didn’t have an ultrasound after my anatomy scan so I have nothing to compare these scans to. I asked my obgyn if she was co...
I got my Naterra results back today and it states “LOW RISK” but my fetal fraction is 3.4% - does anyone know if this is concerning? A nurse at my OBGYN didn’t even mention the fetal fraction and just gave me the low risk results. I had to ask if the fetal fraction was concerning and she told me no. Everything I r...
I’ve got my first smear booked for 3 weeks time and I’ve literally dreaded it for months. I put off booking it (only been old enough for it since January, so not left it that long) but the doctors phoned me to book it so it was unavoidable. Looking for some reassurance as the whole process makes me feel weird. Bei...
Hey all, I've heard alot about people not having great images from 20 week scan etc, and ours from the 12 week one were definitely not great the baby would not get in a good position so even the measurements weren't accurate. If you opted to get a private scan done, how did you book this? Also how far along were ...
Hiya, just need some advise. Just left my 20 weeks scan, and got told I have a low lying placenta. Has anyone experienced this, did it move up eventually? I didn’t get told if there is anything I need to be cautious in doing ( e.g. sex). I’m just very anxious
Hi all! I have my 12 week scan next Wednesday, do I need to take a urine sample with me?? TIA
So today I contacted my local day unit regarding reduced movements and also regarding the constant pain I’ve been having in my vagina area and also lower back that has progressively got worse. I then got sent to maternity triage where baby girl was monitored and where I spoke to the doctor who told me what I’m exper...
Had a midwife appointment this week & being referred for a growth scan at the hospital. How long did it take for an appointment to come through?
Best time for a 4D scan?
Epau has booked me in for 17th according to premom ill be 6w 3d then...anyone been for a scan around that time, what should I expect?
After 31 weeks, how many more appointments do you have/ do they do any scans ect ? What happens from this point until labour
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