I have been advised to be induced a bit early but we haven’t discussed what week yet! If you message me I can keep you updated after my next appointment tomorrow xx
Keep in mind they can only estimate babies weight, they don’t know it for sure, so try not to worry too much! I’ve had regular scans and shes been all over the centile scale and was told one week at 30 weeks she was est to be 3.7lbs, 32 weeks she was est to be 4lbs, had a scan thursday (33+1) and shes est to be 6.3lbs😂 baby might have done most of their growing as they have one final spurt before birth. If you want a caesarean, have one, thats your choice my love 🫶🏻
They had wrongly estimated my first one as a "big" baby but she was born on the 50th centile! I'd be cautious as, unfortunately, I was induced because of that. Now same with my second one, they are estimating him "big" but I'm not even going for a scan. I trust in my body this time.
I was told my first baby was 7lb 8 at 38 week scan, he came at 40 weeks 6lb 7oz so try not to take it too set in stone x
i was told my baby was gonna be 9lbs if i went to term, i’m only 4’11 so i was terrified. baby was born 37+6 at 6lbs1, the scans just aren’t very accurate and they tend to overestimate a lot of the time so try not to stress
@Aimee were you induced or went into labour naturally? My baby is currently showing he’ll be 9lbs at birth
@Tasha i was given an induction date for 38 weeks, but went into labour naturally 3 days before😂
Idk if this helps but I’ve got gd my baby is growing fine but they did explain to me that if baby does grow big they will offer inducing early before baby gets to big as many people are scared of c section and believe natural births are best and they give c section as more of a last resort the percentile chart is there to track baby growth but understand it is still an estimate of size and growth and it can change. If it has changed by that selected date they will inform you that u will need c section for definite lets say. But I think if you’re uncomfortable you can talk to them/midwife and let them know your worries and what you’d prefer and have it arranged. And hv it put in your birthing notes.
i’m not sure yet but this has me scared, i’ve got a scan next wednesday at 34 weeks and im so scared of how big they’re gonna say baby is. 28 weeks he was 2lbs 13oz, 31 weeks he was 4lbs 1oz, and im terrified. i had my first baby at exactly 40 weeks and he was 6lbs 8oz which was the perfect size for me (being small/petite and of small build), and yet at my last scan 2nd babe already weighed just over half of what my first was. im here in solitude. i will take an induction earlier if it means him making a swift and kind exit out my hoo haa without any issues 😭 but part of me is also like if he gets to a certain weight i kinda want them to offer a c section bcos i dont think my vajayjay can cope 😭 xx