
I had a private scan today and was advised that my baby is small not dangerously but a bit under what she should be is anyone else experiencing this ?
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Yes I got told baby was measuring on the 2 percentile line at our 20 week scan, so have to have lots of growth scans.. I feel like lots of people go through this and the babies always seem to catch up by the end, so I’m not overly concerned. My friend got told her baby was far too big and was born at 39 weeks weighing only 6lb… I honestly think they’re scanning abilities aren’t 100% reliable

I had a private scan 1 week ago which told me he was on the 13th centile weighing 1lbs 5oz at 25+1. Went for one today at 26wks, at a different place and he’s above the 20th centile weighing 1bs 12oz. I think the scans vary from place to place with accuracy tbh x

Growth scans are not 100% accurate so I wouldn’t worry too much about it

I was told at my 20 week scan baby was measuring a bit small. But my first baby was born on the 3.9 percentile, so I was already expecting to have growth scans anyway. I had to go back last week for another scan on baby and for one on my uterine arteries which came back slightly abnormal so I have growth scans from 28 weeks now instead of 32 like originally planned. My first was never expected to be small, and was born 6lb 6oz. Scans aren't very accurate at estimating the size really

@Chelsey I have abnormal uterine arteries this time as well as a notch in the cord. My growth scans start at 28 weeks too. My first was born on the 75th percentile after having a growth scan that said 50th percentile 🤣

@Amber I didn't even know a uterine artery scan was a thing, until I turned up for the scan. I'm not sure the scans are very accurate at estimating the percentile

I’m taking what doctors say about the baby’s growth with a pinch of salt because every baby is different and they don’t know what size baby truly is until they are born. They said my nephew was a small baby and predicted he was around 6lb when he was born he was nearly 10lb and then my friends baby they predicted she was going to be a big baby around 9lb and she was actually 6lb so they ain’t 100% accurate. It’s all a guess until baby is born. They said that my baby has a big tummy area but I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.

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